Unpad held a Workshop on Employee Performance Target and PNS Management

Direktur Gaji dan Kesejahteraan BKN Jakarta, Drs. Mokhamad Syuhadak, MPA (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*

[Unpad.ac.id, 4/16/2014] Unpad held a Socialization Workshop on Employee Performance Target and PNS Management for educators and education at Unpad environment. The event will be held at Sawala Bale Unpad, Jatinangor, Wednesday (16/04) and Thursday.

Direktur Gaji dan Kesejahteraan BKN Jakarta, Drs. Mokhamad Syuhadak, MPA (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
The Director of Payrolls and Welfare of BKN Jakarta, Drs. Mokhamad Syuhadak, MPA (Photo by: Tedi Yusuf) *

The Head of Bureau for Human Resource, Law, and Governance, Unpad, Drs. Sudarma., MM says that this event is held to provide an explanation  related on the achievement of performance appraisal, especially after the opening of the Law on State Civil Apparatus (ASN) on January 15, 2014. “We’re definitely adapting to the law. We just need guidance that is up to now, the techical rules are still in preparation, “says Sudarma.

In addition, some things that have been determined on the Head of Regulation (Perka) State Employment Agency (BKN) can be directly applied. “This time is the beginning of the application, so we need further explanation,” he says.

On that occasion, the Director of Payrolls and Welfare of BKN Jakarta, Drs. Mokhamad Syuhadak, MPA is present as a speaker. Syuhadak explains that ASN employees consist of the Civil Servants (PNS) and Employment Agreement (PPKK).

Related with the performance appraisal of civil servants (PNS), Syuhadak says that the performance appraisal of civil servant consists of Work Target Employee (SKP) and Work Behavior of civil servants elements. To arrange SKP, he explains that SKP should contain clear elements, measurable, relevant, accessible, and has a target time.

“SKP shall contains activities of office tasks, the number of credits, and the targets to be achieved. If the higher achievement, then its value will be higher, if more rapidly achieved, then the value will also be higher, “says Syuhadak.

In determining the target for SKP, it must consists the aspects of quantity, quality, time, and cost. While the employee appraisal and behavior of civil servant include the aspects of service orientation, integrity, commitment, discipline, teamwork, and leadership.

Meanwhile, Sudarma says there would be a difference performance assessment  between educators dan education at Unpad. For educators, the performance assessment will also be assessed based on certification of lecturer. *

Reported by: Artanti Hendriyana / er *



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