Prof. drg. Tet Soeryati Soeparwadi, SpBM passes away at 83

Faculties and staff pay homage to the deceased at Al Jihad Mosque on Monday (25/11)

[,25/11/2013] Unpad experiences another huge loss with the passing of one of its most dedicated faculties, Prof. drg. Tet Soeryati Soeparwadi, Sp.BM., who has contributed greatly to the development of oral surgery in Indonesia. Soeparwadi dies at 83 in Boromeous Hospital in Bandung. Time of death is at 13.25 WIB on Sunday (24/11).

Faculties and staff pay homage to the deceased at Al Jihad Mosque on Monday (25/11)
Faculties and staff pay homage to the deceased at Al Jihad Mosque on Monday (25/11)

The rector of Unpad and faculty members pay homage to the deceased in Al Jihad Mosque, Monday (25/11) at 08.00 WIB. According to the dean of Faculty of Dentistry (FKG), Prof. Dr. H. Eky Soeria Soemantri, drg. Sp.Ort (K), Professor Soeparwadi, born in Bandung, on April 24, 1930, was one of the many prominent figures whose contribution to the development of oral surgery in Indonesia is countless and, thus, received numerous national and international awards.

In addition, she was the first female dean in the history of Unpad. She ran her office in the periods of 1969-1971 and 1982-1985. Besides her excellent academic life, Professor Soeparwadi was known to be socially active; running a non-profit organization that helps people with cleft-palate and cleft lip (YPPCBL), particularly those coming from poor financial condition.

“She has set a good example of a mother and a leader who is fully dedicated to science and community development. That she passes away is our great loss,” the rector says. Professor Soeparwadi is to be buried at the family cemetery in Karasak, Soekarno-Hatta Bandung.


Farewell, Professor. We will always remember you.


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