Chairul Tanjung motivates students to succeed

Chairul Tanjung saat memberi kuliah umum di Bale Santika Unpad Jatinangor (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*

[, 13/11/2013] Students who receive grant from Bidikmisi program should not take the facility for granted. Though their educational fee has been insured, they still have to strive to be better and more independent.

Chairul Tanjung is giving a general lecture at Bale Santika Unpad Jatinangor (Photo by: Tedi Yusup)*

The national prominent business savvy stated it when he was giving motivation and sharing experiences in a general lecture before Unpad students at di Bale Santika Unpad Jatinangor, Wednesday (13/11). The hall with the capacity for 250 persons was filled with students who were mostly Bidikmisi grantees.

“Do not be satisfied with the fund you receive from the government; you also have to try to earn independently by working hard. Your first rupiah can boost your confidence,” said Tanjung, the owner of CT. Crop, a multilevel corporation supervising a number of national scaled companies.

Unpad rector, Prof. Ganjar Kurnia opening the lecture said that this year Unpad had received 1,350 Bidikmisi grantees as the students spread in all faculties, and showed his expectation that motivation from Tanjung will encourage the students to achieve success in the future.

Bidikmisi grantees receive not only the whole educational cost, but also support worth Rp. 600 thousands per month for their daily needs. The grant is reserved for students with excellent academic ability but coming from financially less fortunate family.

Tanjung, a Dentistry School of Universitas Indonesia graduate, said that he himself came from financially challenged family and strived during his education independently. He added that everybody deserves for success, and one of the keys is a trigger which can differ from one person to another. It results to a commitment to achieve a better life. He then shared his famous story of his mother selling her favorite batik to help Tanjung’s education which led him to earn money for himself.

In addition, the effort should be supported by ingenuity, both academically and in daily life. Therefore, he suggested that the students to be active in campus organizations to learn about management and leadership. Creativity and innovation are also essential because they are going to be needed in every occupation.


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