Unpad students give away 17 thousand books to several libraries

Unpad students hand in books to several librarians of correctional facility for women in the rectorate building in Jatinangor on Tuesday (12/11).

[Unpad.ac.id, 12/11/2013] As part of its social responsibilities, Unpad students class of 2013 donate 17,000 books to school libraries, reading corners (TBM), and correctional facility for women (Lapas) in Bandung, Sumedang and Tasikmalaya. The donations are handed in symbolically to several head librarians during an exhibition on scientific innovation and research products in Jatinangor, in which faculties, members of Dharma Wanita, and local entrepreneurs, display their innovative products.

Mahasiswa Unpad meneyrahkan secara simbolis hibah buku kepada pengelola perpustakaan Lapas Wanita Sukamiskin Bandung di Gedung Rektorat Unpad Jatinangor (12/11). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
Mahasiswa Unpad meneyrahkan secara simbolis hibah buku kepada pengelola perpustakaan Lapas Wanita Sukamiskin Bandung di Gedung Rektorat Unpad Jatinangor (12/11). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*

Unpad vice rector of human resource, facilities, and governance, Roni Kastaman, when opening the exhibition, says that the whole event can contribute to the excellence of knowledge and information dissemination for both the academicians and society members. “It will definitely lead to progresses of our nation,” says he. Before the donation, the books were collected by the Center for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Unpad during student the orientation week.

Besides the donation, the students also organize a workshop on library management. Several speakers from Faculty of Communication Sciences (FIKOM) Unpad gave a talk in the workshop and training and give away software on library management, built by the one of Unpad teachers, Kusnandar. Participants are to receive materials on books, school library management, and collection-based reading corner management.

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