FK Unpad Alumni Association initiates Alumni Lecture movement

FK Unpad Alumni Association initiates Alumni Lecture movement

[, 16/10/2013] A meeting was held by Unpad Alumni Association Commissariat Faculty of Medicine (FK) on Saturday (5/10) at Room B 4th Floor Unpad Learning Hospital Building, Bandung discussing and evaluating activities performed by the officials of the association (IKA-FK) in 2012-2016.

The members of the meeting are taking picture together*

The meeting was a part of a series of activities for the event Bandung Medical Job Fair (BMJF) initiated by IKA FK Unpad. In addition to the event, the association also organized Bike for Health and Doctor’s Rally. The heads of the class and representatives of each class from Class of 1957 to 2007 were present at the meeting. Current medical students also took part in the meeting so enthusiastically that they were appreciated by the alumni.

Bambang Setiohadji, dr., SpM(K), the head of IKA FK Unpad gave presentation of the reports of activities and had discussion with other participants in order to get inputs to strengthen the association.

In the discussion led by Vice of the association, Johny Sulistio, dr., it was concluded that there would be several activities planned by IKA FK Unpad; one of which is Alumni Lecture movement aimed at sharing experiences among the alumni to medical students and new doctors.

In addition, IKA FK Unpad planned on being proactive in activities synergizing with those of FK Unpad, considering it is important to improve the quality of the school with the help from alumni in non-academic activities. It is also planned to activate social media to improve database and information of the development of the faculty and alumni.

Those points would be applied in a number of activities, in the hope of them being the representation of alumni participation in encouraging the better quality of the school.


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