Preparing the program of fishermen powerment, PT Pertamina Hulu ONWJ Energy signs MoU with Unpad Faculty of Agricultural Industry Technology

[, 25/09/2013] Unpad Faculty of industrial Agriculture technology signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with PT Pertamina Hulu Energy Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) on Wednesday (25/09) at FTIP campus, Unpad.

Community Development Manager PHE ONWJ Sudaryoko (left) and the Dean of FTIP of Unpad, Ir. Mimi Muhaemin, M.Eng., PhD, after the signing of the MoU on fishermen empowerment program in Indramayu (Photo: Tedi Yusuf) *

The signing was conducted by the Dean of the FTIP Unpad, IR. Mimin Muhaemin, m. Eng., PhD. and Development Community Manager of PHE ONWJ Sudaryoko.  Also attending the signing was Vice Dean I FTIP Unpad, IR. Totok Pujianto, the Communication Team Leader PHE ONWJ Novitri Lilaksari, Community Development Team Leader PHE ONWJ Agus Sudaryanto and some lecturers and educational staff of Unpad FTIP.

This cooperation is related to the empowerment of communities through the improvement of quality of processed food products based on GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) and capacity building of bank management, district Kandanghaur District garbage Indramayu, West Java province.

Agus Sudaryanto explained that the main focus of this cooperation is the empowerment of fishing cooperation in the region, in this case, fishery product processing technology that has not been done professionally.  To that end, we hold teamwork with Unpad, particularly with the FTIP .




“The cooperation is expected to be the solution for the problems faced by the fishermen, especially the ones associated with processing fishery products, so that it would indirectly increase the value, and the social and economic development of the region,” added Agus. The Dean of the FTIP also expressed his appreciation about the cooperation project. In the future, hopefully this cooperation program will not only involve the lecturers of FTIP, but also the students.


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