Commemorating National Farmers’ Day, IAAS LC Unpad introduces farming to primary school students

[, 25/09/2013] On September 24, 2013, the International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences (IAAS) LC Unpad organized an event called “No Farm, No Food, No Life,” one of which programs was agroschooling where Cibeusi primary school students were introduced to how cultivation is carried out.

Primary school students taking part in the agroschooling

The program, planned to be organized regularly until November, also aimed at building creative competence for children. The students were taught to decorate, caping, or bamboo hats that Indonesian farmers would normally wear in paddy field.

Besides agroschooling, on the day before, IAAS LC Unpad raised a charity day, of which collected fund was to be donated to farmers at large. It was said to be rather surprising since the attention that students gave was considerably excellent. Some of the money were spent on cultivating devices, such as sprayer.

Onan, an organic rice grower in Cileles village, felt very excited at receiving the donation. “On behalf of the farmers in Cileles, I feel very much appreciated. Hopefully this program will not just stop here but it can remain sustainable,” said he.

Hopefully, this small step can contribute to the betterment of the farmers’ life.


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