Chemistry – S.Si.

Universitas Padjadjaran’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences offers an undergraduate study program in Chemistry. Graduates of this program will attain the Sarjana Sains (S.Si.) title. The program has received accreditation from BAN-PT, the national body of higher education accreditation in Indonesia, awarding it the highest grade of A. The duration of the study is 8 semesters. The program is taught at the Jatinangor Campus in Sumedang.

The Chemistry undergraduate program offered by Unpad is devoted to nurturing its students into becoming Bachelors of Science who posses:

  1. Virtuous morals, high integrity and motivation, open mind, and initiative to open the path of development for chemistry and its applications.
  2. Mastery of general chemistry theories and methodologies, alongside being skilled, competent, wise, and proactive in regards to dealing with issues faced by the public and designing solutions.
  3. Excellent command of laboratories and computers for data processing, and of verbal and written science communication in international circles.

One advantage offered by Unpad’s program is its integration of research and community service activities into the Environmental and Materials Chemistry course.

Career Prospects

As a fundamental and influential science in human life and businesses, graduates of the Chemistry program is highly in demand in many fields of work, including:

  • Chemical industry
  • Research organizations
  • Higher education
  • Consulting and entrepreneurship

The program also equips its students with the means of developing their expertise outside of chemistry, which is a main factor in determining their success in the fields of:

  • Agriculture and forestry
  • Forensics
  • Archaeology and paleontology
  • Genetics
  • Military
  • Engineering
  • Pharmacy
  • Food and beverage
  • Education