Unpad Rector visits KKNM location in Kandanghaur, Indramayu

[Unpad.ac.id, 26/07/2013] Nineteen students greeted Unpad Rector, Prof. Ganjar Kurnia when he visited their home during Students Field Work (KKNM) Group II with the theme “Belajar dari Masyarakat” (Learn from the Society) in Eretan Kulon village, Kandanghaur, Indramayu as a monitoring on Thursday (25/07). Based on the theme, the students were expected to live the life in the village, as well as to give ideas on how to develop the community.

Irvan Muhammad Lutfi, one of the students, said that there had been many new experiences since they had been staying in the fishing village which also had distinctive geographical and cultural figures compared to most villages in West Java. “Here people make a living by fishing, and speak Javanese which troubled us at first when communicating, but now we have adapted with the community,” he added. Besides Lutfi, other students also shared their experiences and ideas to develop the village based on their each major.

Rector, along with his wife, Yatti Ganjar Kurnia, also visited the Biogas laboratory and Fish Auction Station. The laboratory is the outcome from a cooperation between Unpad and Pertamina. He also talked to Iman, the representative from Pertamina about a continuing project to develop biogas in the society. On the same day, he also visited Eretan Wetan village, 2 kilometers from Eretan Kulon. Seventeen students were doing KKNM in the village which is also a fishing village, as well as catfish ponds center.

In his visit, Rector appealed to the students to feed their curiosity and sensitivity during the KKNM to help the community to overcome their internal issues. Along with the Rector, also visited Head of Research and Development Center KKNM LPPN Unpad, Dr. Unang Yunasaf, M.S. and other LPPM staff members. On the same day, monitoring was also carried out in Sliyeg, Indramayu by the Head of LPPM Unpad, Prof. Wawan Hermawan.


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