2024 Unpad Rector Election Embraces Good University Governance

The Chair of the Board of Trustees from Universitas Padjadjaran, Dr. Arief Yahya, with the Rector of Unpad, Prof. Rina Indiastuti, during the Orientation and Perception Alignment: Readiness of the Implementation Committee for the Unpad Rector Election event at the Auditorium of Unpad Training Center Hotel, Bandung, Friday (23/2/2024). (Photo: Dadan Triawan)*

[Unpad Media Channel] Universitas Padjadjaran will organize the Rector Election 2024–2029. The university boards hope that the process of the Unpad Rector Election will go well and successfully elect the best candidate for the position as the rector for the next five years.

The Chair of the Board of Trustees from Unpad, Dr. Arief Yahya, said that the process of Unpad Rector election referred to the principles of election based on good university governance, including transparency, credibility, responsiveness, honesty, democracy, and inclusivity.

When organizing the Orientation and Perception Alignment: Readiness of the Implementation Committee for the Unpad Rector Election event at the Auditorium of Unpad Training Center Hotel, Bandung, Friday (23/2/2024), Arief said that electing the rector is not only as an academic leader, but also able to be the CEO or business leader.

“Our elected Rector is the combination of academic and business leader,” he states. 

It is based on the premise that as a Legal Entity State University (PTN BH), government intervention, especially in budget injections, will diminish. To boost the revenue of (PTN BH) beyond the state budget allocation, a university rector also needs to act as a corporate leader. To implement the expectation, the Board of Trustees from Unpad, through the steering committee and implementation committee, will perform many assessments to measure someone’s suitability to be selected as the Rector of Unpad. 

Some assessments are the evaluation by the Academic Senate and Board of Professors to measure the academic leader aspect and the assessment by the assessment centre to find the professor candidates who not only have the ability as an academic leader, but also proficiency in business management.

“We must find professors who understand business, so they will know how to generate income (revenue),” added Arief.

In accordance with Arief, the Rector of Unpad, Rina Indiastuti said that as a higher education which has been established since 1957, Unpad continues to develop from time to time. This development also has a big challenge.

Therefore, the keyword from Unpad Rector election 2024 – 2029 is to find the talent of a professor who has the ability as an academic leader also proficient in business management.

The Rector also encourages the Implementation Committee for the Rector Election (Panitia Pelaksana Pemilihan Rektor or P3R) of Unpad to supervise the process of rector election in a conducive manner and proceed smoothly until the inauguration of the elected rector is conducted. “Many universities have reported less positive news. Hopefully, people will continue to think positively about Unpad throughout the election process,” said the Rector.

The Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees from Unpad, Prof. Dr. Arry Bainus, M.A., explained that structurally, the Unpad P3R 2024–2029 was divided into two teams. The first team is the steering committee who are chosen directly by the Chair of the Board of Trustees. The steering committee is led by Prof. Arry.

Furthermore, the implementing committee who is led by the Ambassador, Nadjib Riphat Kesoema, who is also a member of the Board of Trustees in Nomination and Remuneration. The implementing committee consists of representatives of Board of Trustees members, professors, education personnel, and Unpad students.

Moreover, Prof. Arry explained that the discourse on preparing for the election of the Unpad Rector 2024–2029 has been ongoing since May 2023. Some discussions are done to develop the competencies required for the future Unpad Rector.

“Our ultimate determination is to obtain a rector who will lead Unpad towards improvement,” he mentioned. The official process for the Unpad Rector election for the 2024–2029 term will begin on March 1st, 2024. (arm/SA)*

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