Several high school students sticking notes with their hopes of being accepted into Unpad while visiting the Unpad stand, Indonesia International Education & Training Expo 2024, Hall B Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta, Thursday (2/22/2024). (Photo: Dadan Triawan)

[Unpad Media Channel] Universitas Padjadjaran has once again participated in a grand education fair. The Indonesia International Education Training (IIETE) Expo & Conference was held at Hall B of the Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta from Thursday (2/22/2024) to Sunday (2/25/2024).

The Head of Unpad’s Public Communications Office, Dandi Supriadi Ph.D., said that Unpad attended IIETE 2024 to increase awareness and spread information for potential new students regarding Unpad’s programs.

The information given out include basic knowledge such as admission into Unpad, and the study programs offered. New information were also given to the public, such as Unpad’s inclusivity program for new students.

“[Attending this expo] is a part of our efforts in promoting Unpad to the public,” said Dandi.

Dandi explained that, although Unpad is already a well-known university, efforts to promote it still need to be made. Unpad’s attendance at IIETE 2024 was to remind the public of information regarding, and the programs offered by, Unpad so that the public could become more acquainted with the university.

“By regularly reminding the public, we can maintain our credibility,” said Dandi.

Aside from that, IIETE itself is an important event for Unpad to show up at. As the largest international fair in Indonesia, Unpad’s attendance not only aimed to attract potential students, but also to build networks with partners, especially international institutions.

“Not only to attract new students, we are also here to build collaborations with international partners,” Dandi added.

That is why Dandi urged the visitors of the expo to search for more complete information about the universities present and the programs they offer. Choosing a study program which matches with your skills and passion is important to be able finish your studies well.

“Search for programs according to your interests and passion. Do not rely on the fame of the campus, what’s important when you’re already accepted is to be successful and graduate. To be able to graduate, the students must enjoy themselves. Hopefully, Unpad, with its various disciplines, can help potential students to find their interests, whatever it may be,” said Dandi.

The CEO of PT. Wahyu Promo Citra and head organizer of the event, Sukur Sakka, revealed that IIETE is an education fair that has been taking place since 1991. This year, 125 stands and more than 200 national and international higher education institutions are present at the fair.

“Aside from the information from booths, there are also many interesting activities such as presentations from scholarships and career counseling, so the youth here can pick the university they want be it in Indonesia or abroad,” he added.

A director from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Yayat Hendayana, said that the event is hugely beneficial for future students to find out the various programs offered at universities. (arm/ICP)*

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