Unpad Community Service Program (KKN) group 38 together with the 'Sedulur Kelinci Cibolang Farm' group in Banjarsari Village, Pangalengan, Bandung Regency*

Reported by Anggi Kusuma Putri

[Unpad Media Channel] To develop rabbit farming potential in Pangalengan, Universitas Padjadjaran’s Community Service Program (KKN) group 38 with field supervisor, Prof. Dr. drg. Irna Sufiawati Sp.PM, conduct an educational session about rabbit farming for the “Sedulur Kelinci Cibolang Farm” group in Banjarsari Village, Pangalengan, Bandung Regency.

This program aims to assist in enhancing the knowledge of members of the rabbit farming group in Banjarsari Village regarding breeding and farm management, particularly in several aspects such as feed, housing, healthcare, and waste management.

One of the main activities of this program is giving direct education from veterinary health professionals to local farmers concerning rabbit health and providing training on proper care. Besides, a demonstration of hay feed preparation is also conducted as an alternative feed during the dry season.

With the acquired knowledge, it is hoped that local farmers can improve the production and quality of rabbits they produce.

Moreover, to support rabbit farming sustainability, the community service students also introduce sustainability agriculture concepts to the local people. The students conduct a training about farm waste management and how to become a liquid organic fertilizer from rabbit urine waste, which can enhance the commercial value of the farm waste generated.

The participation from the students of Unpad’s Community Service Program in developing rabbit farming potential in Pangalengan is hoped to benefit local people.

Furthermore, this activity is one of the applications of the knowledge acquired during lectures in real-life contexts. Through the collaboration between higher education, society, and local government, the potential of rabbit farming in Pangalengan is hoped to be developed continually and positively impact society’s welfare and environmental sustainability. (released/art/SA)*

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