Unpad Administration Division Women’s Association pays a visit to Riyaadul Jannah Orphanage in Jatinangor

[Unpad.ac.id, 6/07/2013) As the holy Ramadan month comes near, a social visit was recently paid by the women’s association of Unpad administration division to the Riyaadul Jannah orphanage in Jatinangor. The head of the association, Mia Engkus, said that the visit was part of their social responsibility that would benefit the society. The association donated cash, clothing, rice, snacks, and writing books.

Responding to this, Tatang, one of the orphanage administrators, greatly appreciated the donation that it received. “Alhamdulillah, I really hope that this would give benefit to all of us.

The orphanage was established in 2000 by Nina Herlina Lubis, professor in Faculty of Arts Unpad, hosts 30 orphans.


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