Unpad Student Wins CGS-CIMB Investment Competition

Bethoven Ferry Ibrahim, with the FISIP Unpad Manager of Academic, Student, and Alumni Affairs, Cecep Safaatul Barkah, S.Sos., M.AB., M.BA.*

[Unpad Media Channel] A political science student from Universitas Padjadjaran’s Faculty of Social and Political Science (FISIP), Bethoven Ferry Ibrahim, won first place at the CGS-CIMB Asean Investment Challenge. The investment competition was held by CGS-CIMB Pte. Ltd. in Jakarta from September 25th to November 17, 2023.

While competing, Bethoven was actively participating in the Indonesian stock market using the CGS-CIMB app. His success was evident in his return which surpassed 100% while using virtual money throughout the competition.

He was graded on a few aspects. These aspects contribute to the grade, ranging from 40% from profit and losses, 20% from completion of e-learning material, 20% from risk management, and 20% from ESG metrics.

Utilizing investing strategies, Bethoven succeeded in achieving an outstanding feat amid heavy competition. This feat does not only show his dedication to the world of investing, but also his skill in managing risks and understanding environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects.

“This competition gave me ample experience in the world of stock investment, and I am very grateful for this opportunity. This success is a product of hard work, knowledge, and the support I received throughout the competition,” he said in a release received by Unpad Media Channel.

Bethoven concluded with explaining that the competition was not only a test of skill in trading stocks but also in taking into account the wisdom learned, awareness on risk management, as well as the social responsibilities of the company. (release) (arm/ICP)*

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