Five Programs from the Faculty of Economics and Business Achieve FIBAA International Accreditation

Faculty of Economics and Business Campus at Universitas Padjadjaran. (Photo: Dadan Triawan)

Reported by Fella Rifnawati

[Unpad Media Channel] Five programs from the Faculty of Economics and Business Campus at Universitas Padjadjaran achieve international accreditation from a prestigious European accreditation institution, the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA), on November 29th, 2023.

The programs are Undergraduate Program of Economics and Islamic Economics, Postgraduate Program of Economics, Postgraduate Program of Applied Economics, and Doctoral Program of Economics.

When interviewed by Unpad Media Channel, the Chairperson of the Islamic Economics Program, Cupian, S.E., M.T., PhD, said that the accreditation process had already been prepared since last year and went through a long path. One process that becomes a challenge relates to lots of documents that need to be prepared and improved as requested by FIBAA.

“Thank God, the professors are not only from the Islamic Economics program, but another economic department also supports each other to ensure a convincing accreditation process,” said Cupian. Cupian explained that the Islamic Economics program was one of the highlighted programs during the field visitation. They must explain the urgency of having the Islamic Economics program at Unpad, even though the Economics program already exists. The needs and demands of the growing halal industry in Indonesia currently serve as the response provided to FIBAA by the Islamic Economics program at Unpad.

“Certainly, during the accreditation, most questions were addressed to the Islamic Economics program. It is because they are based in Germany, and Islamic Economics has not been developed there yet, which is different from England. Therefore, they have a great curiosity and more questions (to Islamic Economics),” he added.

The accreditation achievement allows Islamic Economics programs to be glanced at and gains recognition at the international level.

The short-term target is for the Islamic Economics program to open international classes for national and international students, such as Malaysia and the Philippines.

Cupian continued that the achievement of international accreditation is not on the paper but creates an internationally recognized program. It is hoped to improve learning, research, cooperation, and facilities to support internationally recognized graduates.

“The quality of graduates, the process quality starting from inputs, process, until outputs are on international standard,” concluded Cupian.

Previously in 2020, the Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Padjadjaran had already achieved ABEST 21 international accreditation for 14 programs, namely Undergraduate Program (Accounting, Management, Applied Economics, Economics, Digital Business, Postgraduate Program (Accountant, Management, Development Economics, Islamic Economics, Digital Business), Postgraduate Program (Accounting, Management, Applied Economics, Management Science, Economic Science, and Integrated Microfinance Management), and Doctoral Program (Accounting Science, Management Science, Economic Science). (arm/SA)*

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