Vice Rector of Research and Innovation Division, Prof. Hendarmawan, along with President Director of PT. Telkomsel Ekosistem Digital (TED), Andi Kristianto, interweaved collaboration university tridarma through the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in 2nd floor Livin Meeting Room, Rectorate Unad Building, Jatinangor, Monday (14/8/2023). (Photo: Dadan Triawan)*

[Unpad Media Channel] Universitas Padjadjaran signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with PT. Telkomsel Ekosistem Digital (TED) or Indico about education, research, community service, and business development collaboration, in the 2nd floor Meeting Room, Unpad Rectorate Building, Jatinangor, Monday (14/8/2023).

The MoU was signed by the Vice Rector of Research and Innovation Division, Prof. Dr. Ir. Hendarmawan, M.Sc., who represented the Rector of Unpad, Prof. Rina Indiastuti, with the President Director of PT. Telkomsel Ekosistem Digital (TED), Andi Kristianto. In his speech, Andi said that Indico had already done several events to strengthen the agriculture sector through the Digital Food Ecosystem. The trajectory would be expanded in the animal husbandry sector.

“We strengthen our commitment to contribute to advancing the animal husbandry subsector with interweave collaboration with Universitas Padjadjaran,” Andi said. Moreover, Andi said this collaboration was an Indico starting point to digitalize the animal husbandry subsector.

“Unpad is one of the institutions with experience and proficient expertise in developing solutions in the subsector (animal husbandry),” continued Andi.

Andi was optimistic that this collaboration would give advantages to the ecosystem and animal husbandry subsector and strengthen national food resilience and sovereignty. Aside from animal science, Andi hoped the collaboration would be expanded with another scientific expertise in Unpad.

“In the future, we do not come to a stop in the agriculture and animal husbandry sector, we expect Unpad to continue opening the door to collaboration for another sector,” Andi hoped.

At that opportunity, Prof. Hendarmawan said that this collaboration is hoped to produce many benefits for both parties and society. According to him, there were many challenges to face in this world that needed an academic role, including food security.

“This academic is a fundamental principle which can optimize the impacts for our country,” said Prof. Hendarmawan. Academic collaboration with the business field was needed to achieve solutions to every challenge. Therefore, it was expected to have an optimal advantage.
“I hope this collaboration is impactful,” Prof. Hendarmawan expected.
Following Andi, Prof. Hendarmawan hoped that the collaboration would be expanded. In addition to the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, strong collaboration would be created with another faculty in Unpad. Prof. Dr. Ir. Tomy Perdana, S.P., M.M (Innovation and Cooperation Director) and attended Dr. Rahmat Hidayat, S.Pt., M.Si., (Dean of Faculty of Animal Husbandry), and representatives from several faculties in Unpad have also participated in that occasion.*SA

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