Fort Worth, Texas, USA Plans for Cooperation with Unpad


[, 14/06/2013] Unpad welcomed 4 delegations from Fort Worth, Texas, the USA on Friday (14/06) at the Executive Lounge, Unpad Bandung. They were hosted by Unpad’s Director of Cooperative Affairs, dr. Ramdan Panigoro, Ph.D. and the Head of International Affairs Office, Anne Nurbaity, Ph.D.

Fort Worth has become Bandung’s sister city since 1990 and the delegations’ visit to Unpad aimed to discuss their program in Bandung and the possibility of cooperation with Unpad, as explained by Anne Rice, Fort Worth Sister City Chairperson of Board.

On this occasion, Anne Nurbaity presented Unpad to the delegations. Several representative lecturers from various faculties in Unpad were also present together discussing the opportunity for joint research or joint degree. The delegation then responded by saying that there was a big chance for cooperation, especially for academic affairs. In Fort Worth, Texas Christian University has become Unpad’s partner for cooperation.

Pat Miller, one of the delegations and also a council at TCU, said that possible cooperation with Unpad might include student exchange, staff exchange, joint degree, and joint research. Rice also explained on Thursday (13/06), they had visited Bandung Municipality office discussing cultural, educational, and health problems in Bandung. She added that both cities had been holding student exchange programs as part of educational cooperation.

Rice expressed her wish that the discussion on possible cooperation between Unpad and TCU would be soon objectified in order to support academic activities in both universities.


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