FTG Unpad Hosts Perhimagi’s Annual Scientific Event 2013

[Unpad.ac.id, 16/04/2013] Unpad Faculty of Geological Engineering (FTG) will host Indonesia’s Geological Engineering Student Association (Perhimagi) Scientific Event  2013 from 14 to 22 April. The event includes National Seminar, National Congress, and Field Trip.

According to Reza Vahagia, the head of the organizing committee of the event, this year’s event brings a theme “think entrepreneur, get technology, save the earth, and stay geologist.” Knowing the importance of roaming entrepreneurial domain, the seminar is planned to stress the importance of running business by inviting graduates from geological engineering department to speak about entrepreneurship in which they are now focusing.

In addition, the event shows great concern on the surrounding environment. All participants, coming from 15 universities nationwide, go on a field trip to karst region in Padalarang, to turtle and sharks breeding grounds in Pulau Seribu as well as to Citarum to rejuvenate the area. “Planting tree is part of our social responsibility. Hopefully, one does not only enjoy the beauty of the nature, but also help preserve it,” says Vahagia.

As for the national congress, it discusses the statute of the organization and accountability report from previous year, in addition to appointing new secretary general of Perhimagi. The event is expected to help bring the good name of FTG Unpad as the host and build a stronger network among geologists in Indonesia.


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