Unpad FPIK Sends Students to Internships and Study Abroad Programs

FPIK and Unpad leadership addressing the students departing soon for international internship and study abroad programs in Unpad's Jatinangor campus on Tuesday, June 11. (Photo: Dadan Triawan)*

[Unpad Media Channel] Universitas Padjadjaran’s Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) will soon see several students depart from Indonesia to do an internship program in Japan and a number of other student exchange and study abroad programs.

Several figures representing the Faculty’s, and Unpad’s, board addressed the students in a meeting held in an FPIK meeting room, at Unpad’s Jatinangor campus on Tuesday, June 11. At the event, the board members present delivered a few parting words, and welcomed back the FPIK students who had recently arrived in Indonesia after finishing their internships.

In total, FPIK sees 16 students depart for the Ako Prefecture in Japan to do an internship program. FPIK also welcomed back 14 students who had just finished the same internship program and had returned. 11 other Unpad FPIK students will also do various student exchange and study abroad programs in several different countries through programs such as IISMA, AIMS, and summer camps held by universities.

In his address to the students, Unpad’s Director of Student Affairs and Alumni Relations, Dr. Eng. Boy Yoseph Cahya Sunan Sakti Syah Alam, S.T., M.T., emphasized the importance of Unpad students to preserve their university’s reputation outside of Indonesia.

“Since you will be away from Universitas Padjadjaran, please preserve the good reputation of your place of study. Do not do anything unsavory while you’re there,” Alam said.

The Dean of FPIK, Prof. Dr. sc. agr. Yudi Nurul Ihsan, said that, outside of accumulating theoretical knowledge, a couple of lessons to be gained from such programs include how to apply one’s knowledge and to take home examples of good practice from abroad.

“Therefore, the things you do not study in the classroom, like work ethic, discipline, and integrity, will become your learning process when doing an internship,” explained Prof. Ihsan.

He added that the ultimate goal of FPIK’s international programs are to add to the students’ expertise.

“Our internship programs, or other intensive programs, aim to add the students’ skills, specifically skills needed for the 21st century,” he explained.

The board member also addressed the students who had just returned to Indonesia after their internship in Ako. Among them was Muhammad Luthfi Azzakie, who shared his experiences while in the land of the rising sun.

“It was not only about collecting experience, but also strengthening our mental capacities,” explained Azzakie.

The event concluded with ceremonial handing over of souvenirs and a group photo session. (art/ICP)*

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