Unpad Breaks Into Top 500 Ranking in QS WUR 2025

Unpad's Campus in Jatinangor. (Photo: Dadan Triawan)*

[Unpad Media Channel] Universitas Padjadjaran has climbed into the Top 500 ranking in the 2025 QS World University Rankings released on Tuesday, June 6. This year’s list sees Unpad placing 596th, moving up 65 places in the ranks compared to last year.

Alhamdulillah, our targets for this year have yielded results. Our QS WUR ranking increased compared to last year,” said Unpad’s Rector, Prof. Rina Indiastuti.

This year, Unpad increased its ranking through four indicators, namely employer reputation, faculty student ratio, international faculty, and academic reputation.

Prof. Rina explained that to get into the Top 500 rankings was a target achieved through collective contributions of everyone in Unpad. Said target was met through various efforts and collaborations between Unpad’s academics and staff.

Unpad’s efforts have indeed proven fruitful. Since 2020, Unpad’s ranking on the QS WUR has steadily increased. “What does that show? It shows that this was truly a result of everyone’s hard work, from professors, students, staff, and of course, leaders, to realize the targets we aim for wholeheartedly,” she added.

The scoring for the 2025 QS WUR is based on the 2023 data submitted by each university. With that in mind, Prof. Rina invites Unpad academics and staff to maintain their enthusiasm and hard work to increase its ranking further next year.

“If we build on good trends, that will carry over well. Everyone at Unpad should be optimistic that, if we increase our hard work, we will improve on our achievements, not only for this year but also next year,” she added.

Work Is Not Finished

Prof Rina also explained that the increase of Unpad’s ranking can not be separated from the various strategies that were underway. Among them were Unpad’s efforts to expand its network, partnerships, and collaborations on a global level. The efforts from Unpad’s leaders and academics have adeptly increased the university’s recognition.

However, there are still several aspects to be improved upon. Everyone in Unpad, Prof. Rina said, needs to be able to show global partners and collaborators its continuously increasing academic quality. ”This is what our efforts will revolve around in 2024,” she explained.

That is why Prof. Rina once again emphasized the importance of every stakeholder’s role in the increase of academic quality, as well as convincing the world to give Unpad the recognition it deserves.

“So, our homework is to increase high-quality academic output, which will persuade our partners to give us recognition,” said the Rector.*

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