Unpad and Universiti Malaysia Sabah Hold Discussion on Student Exchange

Unpad's Director of Student Affairs and Alumni Relations participating in the discussion between Unpad and UMS on Monday, June 24. (Photo: Dadan Triawan)*

[Unpad Media Channel] Universitas Padjadjaran’s Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) received a visit from University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) as part of the 2024 Student Mobility Program held through June 24-26.

In the session, representatives of Unpad and UMS discussed and compared how each university manages its student exchange programs. The session was held at the Bale Sawala auditorium at Unpad’s Rectorate Building in Jatinangor, on Monday, June 24.

Unpad’s Director of Student Affairs and Alumni Relations, Dr. Eng. Boy Yoseph Cahya Sunan Sakti Syah Alam, S.T., M.T., had the chance to welcome and address the UMS representatives and students in attendance. He expressed his wish that those attending could enjoy every part of the event.

“I hope you will enjoy this discussion, and welcome to Universitas Padjadjaran,” said Alam in his address.

The Dean of Unpad FPIK, Prof. Dr. Sc. agr. Yudi Nurul Ihsan, S.Pi., M.Si., echoed the sentiment and hoped that the meeting between Unpad and UMS would strengthen the collaboration of the two universities.

“So I hope in this meeting we will not only discuss knowledge, research, and governance, but also other things including the culture, motivation, and what we can do for the strengthening of collaboration between Universitas Padjadjaran and Universiti Malaysia Sabah,” said Prof. Ihsan.

He added that he also hopes the emerging discussion and collaboration between Unpad and UMS could result in many new, beneficial ideas for the future.

“I believe this meeting will give many opportunities which could create a better future,” he concluded.

Representing UMS, the Director of Delegation of JAKMAS, Thanussha Arumugam believes there are a lot to be gained from the program as a whole in terms of improving the effectiveness of academic programs.

“This initiative is designed to cultivate a professional mindset among our students, encouraging critical thinking, and strategic division-making,” explained Arumugam.

The meeting also saw the signing of a letter of intent by the Dean of FPIK and the Programme Coordinator of UMS, Ts. Hadzariah binti Ismail.

The following several days will involve the 2024 International Mini Student Conference being held, with the theme of “empowering student welfare for SDGs and blue economy”, at Unpad’s FPIK campus in Jatinangor, as well as a field trip. (art/ICP)*

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