FEB Unpad Holds International Conference on Industrial Organization

Speakers of "The First International Conference on Industrial Organization 2024", held on Unpad's Iwa Koesoemasoemantri campus in Bandung on May 8.*

[Unpad Media Channel] Universitas Padjadjaran’s Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) collaborated with the Forum Dosen Persaingan Usaha (FDPU) Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU), respectively a forum of professors and the Indonesian commission of regulation in the field of competition in business. Together, they held “The First International Conference on Industrial Organization 2024”. The conference was held in Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata, Unpad’s Iwa Koesoemasoemantri campus, in Bandung on May 8.

The event is the first international conference to revolve around the topic of industrial economics. The conference involved established and emerging academics to discuss efforts in advancing industrial structures, attitudes, and performance towards a sustainably competitive economy.

The international conference was also part of FEB’s vision to support internationalization efforts in Unpad.

In a release received by Unpad Media Channel, the conference adopted the motto of “Fostering Competition to Rescale Efficiency and Productivity” and included various microeconomic and macroeconomic themes, as well as those surrounding economic issues and laws on business competition.

According to the leading event organizer, Dr. Alfiah Hasanah, the conference could hopefully provide valuable input for policy-makers such as governments and the KPPU, in addition to helping advance the field academically.

The conference was attended by 169 participants, comprising of academics and professionals from many universities and institutions, both in Indonesia and abroad.

The event was divided into two sessions. The first was a plenary session involving three keynote speakers: Prof. Dr. Ir. AGJM Alfons Oude Lansink from Wageningen University; Prof. Maman Setiawan, S.E., M.T., Ph.D. from Universitas Padjadjaran; and Prof. Dr. Ningrum Natasya Sirait, S.H., M.Li. from Universitas Sumatera Utara.

The second was the parallel session, where the 74 presenters who have qualified presented their research. In it, a group hailing from the Philippines, Aldrich June B. Caraecle and Charlou A. Bautista, won the category for Best Topic. Meanwhile, an FEB doctoral student from the Applied Economics program, Elita Pertiwi, was named as Best Presenter.

The success of the conference would not have been possible without the support of co-hosts KPPU and FDPU; partners including Wageningen University, Mindanao State University, Brunei Darussalam University, Universiti Teknologi MARA, and the Indonesian Ministry of Industry; and sponsors including PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN), PT. Indonesia Asahan Alumunium (Inalum), Center for Economics and Development Studies (CEDS), Unpad EdEx, BJB Syariah, and the Jatinangor branch of BJB. (release/ICP)*

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