Staff from Glasgow Caledonian University's Disability Services and Universitas Padjadjaran.*

[Unpad Media Channel] Two staff from Glasgow Caledonian University’s (GCU) Disability Services, Dr. Katie Thomson and Lisa Forrest, visited Universitas Padjadjaran’s Jatinangor Campus on April 21-26. Their visit was part of a program initiated by Unpad and GCU called Enhancing Disability-Inclusive Education in Indonesian Universities, otherwise known as EmpowerID.

The program is a realization of Unpad’s effort to enhance inclusivity in education for disabled people in Indonesian higher education institutions.

Representatives from Unpad have visited GCU earlier in March. The visit was done to increase Unpad’s capacity in providing services to disabled students and staff by learning from GCU’s staff and facilities.

GCU’s visit to Unpad consisted of workshops with relevant internal stakeholders within Unpad, which included the Disability Services Task Force, disabled students, and several heads of study program.

Unpad’s Director of Education and Internationalization, Mohamad Fahmi, S.E., M.T., Ph.D., explained that EmpowerID was designed to help create a more accessible and supportive academic environment for students with disabilities. The program is expected to be the foundation of the formation of a permanent disability services unit within Unpad. 

“EmpowerID is not only about making the campus more accessible, but also uplifting the values of equality, justice, and respect in our community. This initiative is proof of our commitment to ensure that every student has the same opportunities to succeed,” said Fahmi.

EmpowerID focuses on several key areas, including the integration of assistive technology which could help students with disabilities in their study, such as software which supports visual and auditory needs.

There is also a need to carry out additional programs designed to increase the academic success and social integration of students with disabilities, training for staff and students on disability awareness, as well as promoting of better understanding and interaction within the campus.

The visit from GCU Disability Services staff was well received by the Head of Unpad’s Disability Services Task Force, Dr. Eng. Boy Yoseph Cahya Sunan Sakti Syah Alam, S.T., M.T.

Boy explained how the success of a university is not only measured academically, but also from how far the campus is able to create an inclusive environment for its members.

“Universitas Padjadajran, as a progressive university, sees the importance of EmpowerID in providing services to disabled students. The emergence of awareness toward inclusivity within Unpad is an important pillar in creating an inclusive learning environment. We are committed to empower individuals with disabilities, ensure equal access to education and health, as well as career opportunities and full participation within society,” said Boy. (release/ICP)*

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