Unpad Appoints 5 Professors and 1 Adjunct Professor

The Chair of Academic Senate from Unpad, Prof. Ganjar Kurnia, opens the Appointment Ceremony and Academic Oration for the Professorship in the first session, which is held at Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad, Iwa Koesoemasoemantri Campus, Bandung, Tuesday (28/5/2024). (Photo: Dadan Triawan)*

[Unpad Media Channel] Five new Professors and one Adjunct Professor from Universitas Padjadjaran are appointed in the Appointment Ceremony and Academic Oration for the Professorship, which is held at Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad, Iwa Koesoemasoemantri Campus, Bandung, Tuesday (28/5/2024) until Wednesday (29/5/2024).

The appointment ceremony led by Prof. Arief Anshory Yusuf, the Chair of the Board of Professors from Unpad, is organized in three sessions.

On the first day, Tuesday (18/5/2024), the first session of appointment and academic oration are undertaken by a Professor from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Prof. Dr.sc.agr. Yudi Nurul Ihsan, M.Si in the field of Ecology of Tropical Oceans; also an adjunct professor from the Faculty of Economics and Business Prof. Dr. Arnold Tukker, M.Sc. in the field of Industrial Ecology.

 In the second session, the appointment and academic oration are undertaken by two Professors from the Faculty of Agriculture, namely Prof. Kusumiyati, M.Agr.Sc., PhD in the field of Horticulture Production; and Prof. Dr. Pujawati Suryatmana, dra., M.P. in the field of Microbiology.

In the last session, Wednesday (29/5/2024), the appointment and academic oration are undertaken by a Professor from the Faculty of Geological Engineering Prof. Dr. Ir. Emi Sukiyah, M.T. in the field of Quantitative Geomorphology and a Professor from the Faculty of Animal Husbandry Prof. Dr. Achmad Firman, M.Si. in the field of Animal Husbandry Socio-Economics.* (arm/SA)

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