Unpad and CPA Australia Collaborate to Enhance Accounting Education

The Dean of Unpad FEB, Prof. Nunuy Nur Afiah, with the Indonesian Country Manager of CPA Australia, Selvi Tanggara, after signing the MoA in the talk held at Unpad's Dipatiukur Campus on Tuesday (5/21/2024).* (Photo: FEB)

Report by Ismail Cahya Putra

[Unpad Media Channel] Universitas Padjadjaran have launched a collaboration with CPA Australia to help boost students’ insights and skills in accounting through the Bright Project Vol. 2, commencing this year.

The collaboration was made official with the signing of the MoA in Unpad’s Iwa Koesoemasoemantri Campus, located in Bandung, on Tuesday, May 21. The MoA was signed by the Dean of Unpad’s Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Prof. Dr. Nunuy Nur Afiah, M.Si., who represented Unpad’s Rector, and CPA Australia’s Country Manager for Indonesia, Selvi Tanggara.

The signing itself was part of a talk titled “The Future Landscape of Accounting Profession & Role Accountant on ESG Reporting”.

In his welcoming remarks at the event, FEB’s Manager for Research, Innovation and Partnership, Dr. Arie Pratama, S.E., M.Ak., mentioned the decline of students’ interest in taking up accounting. He explained that there are two things which impact the trend of business development, as well as the relevance of the accounting profession, namely sustainability and digital technology.

Arie added that education in accounting needs to adapt with those two factors, with this collaboration being expected to become a pillar towards that effort. “We wish that the benefits of this collaboration shall include the cultivation of synergy between the accounting profession, and accounting education,” said Arie.

Afterward, Selvi explained, in her speech, the importance for students to anticipate trends and changes in the accounting profession pushed by climate change, developments in technology, shifts in the paradigm of businesses. She added that the changes will open opportunities for accountants to evolve, but also present challenges which need to be faced through ethical adaptations and practices.

“The role of accountants has developed beyond traditional boundaries, where there is now demand for a combination of technical skill, analytical competence, and strategic insight,” said Selvi.

The Dean of Unpad FEB, Prof. Dr. Nunuy Nur Afiah, M.Si., then addressed the crowd and the guests in attendance. She expressed concern toward the field of accounting which has gradually been aging, and the lack of interest from the youth to strengthen the accounting profession in Indonesia.

“The arrival of CPA Australia is an effort to revive the attractiveness of the accounting profession,” explained Prof. Nunuy. (arm/ICP)*

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