Cooperation between Unpad and Dili Institute of Technology

The Acting Rector of Unpad, Prof. Arief S. Kartasasmita, signs the Memorandum of Understanding with the Rector of Dili Institute of Technology, Dr. Salustiano dos Reis Piedade, M.Sc., in Meeting Room 1, Unpad Rectorate Building, Jatinangor, Thursday (30/5/2024). (Photo: Dadan Triawan)*The Acting Rector of Unpad, Prof. Arief S. Kartasasmita, signs the Memorandum of Understanding with the Rector of Dili Institute of Technology, Dr. Salustiano dos Reis Piedade, M.Sc., in Meeting Room 1, Unpad Rectorate Building, Jatinangor, Thursday (30/5/2024). (Photo: Dadan Triawan)*

[Unpad Media Channel] Universitas Padjadjaran cooperates with the Dili Institute of Technology (DIT), Timor Leste. The cooperation is marked by signing the a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Cooperation Agreement between Unpad and DIT in Meeting Room 1, Unpad Rectorate Building, Jatinangor, Thursday (30/5/2024).

The signing of the MoU is represented by the Acting Rector of Universitas Padjadjaran, Prof. Arief S. Kartasasmita, with the Rector of Dili Insititute of Technology, Dr. Salustiano dos Reis Piedade, M.Sc.

Moreover, the signing of Cooperation Agreement is signed by the Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs from Universitas Padjadjaran Prof. Arief S. Kartasasmita with the Executive Director of Graduate School, Research & ICT of DIT Dr. Edio da Costa, BSc., MCs.

The Dean and Vice-Dean from the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, as well as participated in the signing event, as well as the executive boards from the DIT.

Prof. Arief explained that the cooperation is hoped to strengthen the diplomatic relations between the two countries. Timor-Leste itself is a neighboring country that is very close to Indonesia. In addition, this cooperation is expected to strengthen the development of knowledge and human resources.

“Therefore, we are very honored to be able to cooperate with DIT in the future,” said Prof. Arief.

In addition, Prof. Arief also hoped that the cooperation between Unpad and DIT could continue to develop in another field. “Not only in the recent field that we have been discussing but also another field that can benefit both countries,” said Prof. Arief.

Furthermore, the Rector of DIT, Salustiano said that the visit of DIT to Unpad is to establish a cooperative relationship and gain support from Unpad.

“Thus, in the future, we can develop DIT to be even better,” hoped Sulastiano.

With Unpad, Salustiano hoped that DIT could cooperate with Unpad in the academic field through the visiting professor or guest lecture, student exchange, and joint research.

This event is also filled by the presentation about faculty profiles from the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Prof. Dr. R. Widya Setiabudi Sumadinata, M.T., M.Si., and the Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Prof. Dr. Hj. Nunuy Nur Afiah, S.E., MS., Ak., CA. (arm/SA)*

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