The ambiance of “Ayo Kenal Unpad: IUP/International Program Admission,” Tuesday (14/5/2024). (Photo: Dadan Triawan)*

Reported by Artanti Hendriyana and Salsabila Andiana

[Unpad Media Channel] Universitas Padjadjaran has opened the Undergraduate International Program (IUP) for some study programs. Admission is open from April 29th to June 1st, 2024.

Overall, Unpad is opening the IUP class for 14 study programs from eight faculties. These programs are partnered with universities abroad.

Through IUP, several study programs also offer Double Degree programs with foreign partner universities. This program accepts students from both domestic and international.

From the Faculty of Economics and Business, IUP is open for the study program of Accounting (Double Degree), Management (Double Degree), Islamic Economics, Economics (Double Degree), and Digital Business (Double Degree).

From the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IUP is open for study programs in Fisheries Science(Double Degree) and Marine Science (Double Degree), also from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, IUP is open for a study program in International Relations (Single Degree) and Business Administration (Single Degree).

Moreover, the IUP program is open for study programs in Dentistry (Single Degree) from the Faculty of Dentistry, Pharmacy (Single Degree) from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Law (Single Degree) from the Faculty of Law, Communication Science from the Faculty of Communication Sciences, dan Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine.

Faculty of Economics and Business

The head of the Internationalization Unit from the Faculty of Economics and Business at Unpad, Rudi Kurniawan, Ph.D., said that IUP could provide students with experiences that improve their cultural competency, global perspective, English proficiency, career and networking opportunities, adaptability, and problem-solving skills.

Aside from offering a double degree program, IUP from the Faculty of Economics and Business at Unpad also offers excellence in the form of international exposure and expertise, namely expertise in working within an international scope.

“That is one of IUP’s advantages,” said Rudi during the talk show “Ayo Kenal Unpad: IUP/International Program Admission”, Tuesday (14/5/2024).

Rudi explained that the Faculty of Economics and Business at Unpad had cooperated with some foreign universities, such as Northern Illinois University in the USA, the University of Northampton in the UK, YSchools in France, and the International Management Institute in Switzerland.

Moreover, the Faculty of Economics and Business at Unpad also offers a student exchange program, which allows students to study abroad for one or two semesters in Unpad’s partner university.

Credit Hours (CH) will be converted while studying at a foreign university.

“Therefore, it is not just about going and attending classes there, but also obtaining credits which will later be counted towards the total credits earned during studies at Universitas Padjadjaran,” explained Rudi.

Students will participate in cultural activities and be introduced to Indonesian culture. They will also study the culture of the country where they are studying. “There is a culture diplomacy,” he added.

In addition to the student exchange program, the Faculty of Economics and Business offers a summer program during the holiday season.

“All information (will be) announced by the internationalization unit office, and all matters will be facilitated by us,” said Rudi.

Several programs have also achieved international accreditation, one of which is from ABEST21. According to Rudi, this indicates an improvement in the quality of education at the Faculty of Economics and Business at Unpad.

Faculty of Medicine

The head of the Internationalization Unit from the Faculty of Medicine at Unpad, Dr. Mohammad Ghozali, dr., M.Sc. said that the internationalization program was implemented to adapt to the world. Therefore, IUP exists as one of the internationalization programs at the Unpad’s Faculty of Medicine.

“The form is by integrating it into a curriculum, so the curriculum still refers to the competency of doctors,” explained Ghozali.

Ghozali said that the existence of the IUP program will complement the capacity of graduates from Unpad’s medicine study program with international exposure, so they will be able to adapt to the global capacity they have learned.

Even though it is included in the IUP program, the length of study time in the medicine study program will be the same as in the regular program.

“The purpose is to be a doctor, therefore both regular and international program (still) consists of 10 semesters,” he said.

The Faculty of Medicine at Unpad has recently cooperated with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in Malaysia. “Maximum one year of studying at partner universities, such as medical education institutions,” added Ghozali.

Faculty of Dentistry

The head of the Internationalization Unit from the Faculty of Dentistry Dewi Zakiawati, drg. M.Sc., Sp.PM. said that the Faculty of Dentistry adopts outcome-based education (OBE) integrated with student-centered learning (SCL).

“We want that later, our graduates from Faculty of Dentistry at Unpad can provide the demand frm global market, the global society,” she said.

Besides, in this program, the Faculty of Dentistry at Unpad brings in professors from international institutions who partner with the faculty to give lectures.

Several international universities, including Hiroshima University in Japan, Universiti of Malaya in Malaysia, Thammasat University in Thailand, International Islamic University Malaysia, and Management and Science University Malaysia, have already cooperated with the Faculty of Dentistry at Unpad.

Moreover, Dewi added that the international program also offers a student exchange program.

“We send out IUP’s students to study with our international partner,” she said.

The student exchange program held by the Faculty of Dentistry at Unpad sends their students to study abroad and accepts students and professors from other countries to study in the Faculty of Dentistry at Unpad.

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences

The head of the Internationalization Unit from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at Universitas Padjadjaran Anggia Utami Dewi Ph.D said that the IUP program offered by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences aimed to produce graduates who were recognized internationally, both in rankings and education quality.

Besides internal professors, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences also brings in external professors for this program.

“For every IUP program, certainly there will be both internal and external professors,” she said.

Anggia said every study program in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences still holds a single degree program. However, students will still get a similar chance to study in a foreign university for at least one semester or more.

Until recently, 14 partner universities have collaborated with the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at Unpad.

“The highlighted matter is students will get the opportunity, that is called international exposure program,” explained Anggia.

In addition to the student exchange program, international internships, long-term academic programs, and credit transfer are offered.

Faculty of Communication Sciences

The PIC of the IUP Program from Communication Science, Dr. Andika Vinianto Adiputra, S.Sos., M.A said that the study program had gained international accreditation from the international accreditation institution, that is, The Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programs (AQAS).

The IUP class of Communication Science at Unpad aims to be the center of communication science development at the bachelor’s degree level, which can develop communication science to the center of excellence and fulfill the professional industry needs and society’s demand under the principles of partnership, respect, innovation, diversity, and equality. This program applies the “Insight-based Communication to Enhance the Society” motto.

“IUP class is focused to produce graduates who are globally competitive and provide the widest possible opportunities for national and international prospective students,” said Andhika.

IUP students can also transfer the credit hours they have gained from the international education scheme during their studies at IUP.

The international education scheme offered is the Student Exchange Program and Study Abroad Program with partner universities in South Korea.

The prospects of graduates from this study program are a Scientific Communication Professional, Digital Communication Planner, and Social Entrepreneur.

Faculty of Law

The curriculum of the IUP program at the Faculty of Law at Universitas Padjadjaran is based on outcome-based Education (OBE). The Faculty of Law at Unpad has also gained international accreditation from FIBAA since 2023 and has some partner international universities.

“As an international class, (Faculty of Law at Unpad) has global partner who are partners during student exchanges,” said Imam.

The partner universities include Universiti Teknologi MARA in Malaysia, The University of Melbourne in Australia, and Monash University in Australia. Specifically, for The University of Melbourne in Australia, the Faculty of Law at Unpad has established a cooperation scheme in the fast-track program.

“So, after completing the bachelor’s degree in law, students can directly pursue a Master’s degree in Law,” explained Imam.

Furthermore, the international class of Faculty of Law at Unpad brings in guest professors regularly from Singapore, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Malaysia, and other countries. Students also have the opportunity to intern at ministries, NGOs, international organizations, and companies.

Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science

The head of the Internationalization Unit from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Fittrie Meylllianawaty P., S.Pi., MIL., M.Sc., Ph.D. said the faculty had some abroad partners. Still, two universities are focused on partnering with Unpad for the IUP program with the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences. Those universities are Guanxi National University (GXUN) in China for the study program of Marine Sciences with a single degree program and Mokpo National University (MNU) in South Korea for the study program of Fisheries with a double degree program.

In addition to those partners, students also get the chance to participate in a student exchange program with other partner universities in a foreign country.

“So, apart from the existing international undergraduate programs with Guanxi National University and Mokpo National University, students also have the opportunity to participate in student exchanges through our partner universities abroad,” said Fittrie.

Fittrie mentioned that the Fisheries and Marine Science Program at Unpad has obtained accreditation from ASIIN. In addition to ASIIN, the Marine Science Program has also received international accreditation from the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST).

Furthermore, students also have the opportunity to participate in English language education, international seminars, and research with foreign partners.

Faculty of Pharmacy

The head of the Internationalization Unit from the Faculty of Pharmacy Apt. Holis Abd Holik, PhD, said all study programs in the Faculty of Pharmacy at Unpad had recently gained international accreditation of ASIIN.

In the IUP program, the Faculty of Pharmacy at Unpad collaborates with some partners: Universiti Sains Malaysia in Malaysia, Chiba University in Japan, Chulalongkorn University in Thailand, and the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. Moreover, many foreign partners also cooperate with the Faculty of Pharmacy at Unpad.

As Holis said, IUP students can later participate in the student exchange program in the partner universities.

“In this case, students are allowed to choose which university listed by the Faculty of Pharmacy,” said Holis.

Holis also mentioned that the faculty members at Pharmacy study program at Unpad have a high reputation nationally and internationally. Furthermore, world-class professors often teach the students of Pharmacy study program at Unpad.

“We also invite the best alumni from the Faculty of Pharmacy who have pursued careers as top management or top leaders in companies,” said Holis. (arm/SA)*

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