Academic Community from UiTM Malaysia Learns Unpad Hospital PPP Project

[Unpad Media Channel] Universitas Padjadjaran receives a visit from students and professors of Master of Science Integrated Construction Project Management, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Malaysia, Friday (3/5/2024).

The visit of 30 professors and students is done to learn the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) scheme for Unpad Hospital. Unpad Hospital is an infrastructure project of higher education and hospitals that uses the PPP scheme for its development. This scheme is one of the infrastructure provision schemes regulated in Presidential Regulation No. 38 of 2015.

In the release achieved by Unpad Media Channel, one of the program facilitators from UiTM, Dr. Rumaizah Mohd Nurdin, explained that their visit to Unpad was conducted to gain more detailed information regarding the plan stages of the Unpad Hospital PPP Project. The information on this project is obtained from the PPP Book 2024, published by the Ministry of Planning and Development (Bappenas).

“The Unpad Hospital PPP Project will become one object that students learn through this program,” he said.

The Unpad Hospital PPP Project is a PPP project accompanied by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia through the Project Development Facility (PDF) scheme, which is one of the government’s infrastructure financing programs.

In addition, this project receives support from various parties, including the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology and the Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas).

On that visit, the UiTM Delegations gave a presentation about the Unpad Hospital PPP Project delivered by the Unpad PPP node team. With the Executive Director of Unpad Hospital Herry Herman, dr., Sp.OT., PhD.

The UiTM students seem enthusiastic in learning the project scheme. The output of this activity is students will formulate a study based on the Unpad Hospital PPP Project to be presented in the future.

The evaluation activity is planned to involve representatives from Unpad to provide assessments of the study conducted by the students. The activity concludes with a visit to Phase 1 of Unpad Hospital, which has been completed. (released/SA)*

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