Unpad FEB and Malaysia’s UiTM Collaborated for Community Service in Pangalengan

Unpad FEB and UiTM professors holding the International Community Service event at PPI 259 Firdaus, Pangalengan, Bandung Regency, February 19-20, 2024.*

[Unpad Media Channel] Universitas Padjadjaran Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) collaborated with Universitas Teknologi Mara (UiTM) in holding International Community Service at Pesantren Persatuan Islam (PPI) 259 Firdaus in Pangalengan, Bandung Regency on February 19-20, 2024. The activity was in support of Unpad FEB’s effort in being beneficial for the people while also including international communities.

The event started with a welcoming speech from the FEB Vice Dean of Learning, Student Affairs, and Research, Prof. Maman Setiawan, S.E., M.T., Ph.D., emphasizing how the international community service program is an embodiment of the contributions of academics.

Dr. Zahariah, representing UiTM, and Latief Awaludin, the head of PPI 259 Firdaus, also delivered a few words of their own. Latief, in particular, expressed a willingness of Islamic boarding schools to collaborate further with Unpad.

The event was also attended by a few members representing Unpad and UiTM. At the event, the Unpad and UiTM teams collaborated in educating and entertaining the schoolchildren.

The team taught financial literacy to more than 50 schoolchildren who showed enthusiasm and actively participated. Aside from teaching, the event also included educative games geared towards the children, including financial literacy-themed snakes and ladders where the five fastest groups to finish their challenge were awarded prizes.

The international community service activity is a symbol of hope and aspiration for a brighter future. The activity itself aspired to increase the financial literacy of the people, conduct cultural and knowledge exchange, empower the people, and inspire the youth who will lead the future.

The activity was a concrete step in realizing the global-scale visions of Unpad FEB and UiTM while showing the commitment of both universities in advancing education and community service. The two institutions are committed to continue innovating and collaborating to create sustainable positive impact. (release)(art/ICP)*

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