Unpad and Universiti Sains Malaysia Organize an International Exchange Program

A group photo of participants of the International Exchange Program of the Faculty of Economics and Business from Unpad and Universiti Sains Malaysia.*

[Unpad Media Channel] The Faculty of Economics and Business from Universitas Padjadjaran collaborates with Universiti Sains Malaysia in organizing International Exchange Program which is packaged within a Short Course Series, titled “Identity Engineering, Global Mind Development & Innovation Leadership”. It takes place in Penang, Jakarta, and Bandung, from February, 26th – March 1st, 2024.

The event aims to enhance collaboration in research fields, curriculum development, and exchange of knowledge and experience of staff and students. This collaboration is hoped to give significant benefit in improving academic quality, also expanding knowledge and comprehension among students and staff related to the latest developments.

The participants consist of 40 students from Unpad’s Faculty of Economics and Business and 32 students from the undergraduate program of Universiti Sains Malaysia.

The Dean of Faculty of Economics and Business from Unpad Prof. Dr. Hj. Nunuy Nur Afiah, S.E., MS., Ak., CA., and the Vice-Dean of Learning, Student Affairs, and Research Prof. Dr. Maman Setiawan, S.E., M.T., deliver their speech during the opening of International Exchange Program event.

The event is filled with material presentations, such as “Engineering with Padjadjaran Students: Innovation Leadership” by Sunu Widianto, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D. The purpose of this material is to establish an outstanding youth generation who is capable of leading innovatively.

Moreover, Unpad’s Faculty of Economics and Business also presents several speakers, such as the Manager of Student Learning and Alumn from Unpad’s Faculty of Economics and Business Alfiah Hasanah, S.E., MEc., Ph.D and the Head of Internationalized Affairs Office from Unpad’s Faculty Economics and Business Meinanda Kurniawan, S.E., MBuss (Res), Ph.D.

All participants also gain some materials regarding “Identity Engineering: Building Strong Identity and Character in the Era of Globalization,” “Global Mind Development: Developing Critical and Creative Thinking to Compete Internationally,” and “Innovation Leadership: Becoming Innovative Leaders Capable of Addressing Future Challenges”.

On that occasion, all participants also have the opportunity to visit batik central in Bandung. This visit aims to introduce Indonesian batik culture and traditions to the participants.

The International Exchange Program event is a benefit of implementing Grants of Padjadjaran Academic Recharging (PAR) which is accepted by the professor from Unpad’s Faculty of Economics and Business Alfiah Hasanah, S.E., MEc., Ph.D., as a visiting researcher at Universiti Sains Malaysia. (released/art/SA)

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