Students from Unpad’s Faculty of Dentistry Achieve Success at Universiti Sains Malaya

[Unpad Media Channel] Some students from the Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran achieved success in the 21st Students Scientific Conference which was held by Universiti Sains Malaysia, Thursday (7/3/2024). The achievements are the first and second winners in the Oral Presentation category and the second winner in the e-Poster category.

Jenny Imanuel Mulsin achieved the first winner in the Oral Presentation titled Differences in Prevalence of Early Childhood Caries (ECC) in Stunting and Non Stunting Children in Bandung. This research is under the guidance of the supervising professors Dr. Asty Samiaty Setiawan, drg.,M.Kes., and Prof. Dr. Arlette Suzy Puspa Pertiwi Setiawan, drg.,Sp.KGA.,Subsp.AIBK(K)., M.Psi.,FSCDA,FIADH.

The research result shows that there are differences in the prevalence of ECC (Early Childhood Caries) in stunting and non-stunting children in Bandung.

“So, my research aims to find the prevalence of ECC in stunting and non-stunting children, whether that is different or not. After the research is conducted on stunting children, it has a higher prevalence, as many as 93%. However the non-stunting (children) is only 73%,” said Jenny.

In the same category, Nasywa Juanita Putri achieved the runner-up with the title “Validity and Reliability Test of the Questionnaire Regarding the Use of Triamcinolone Acetonide 0.1% in Orabase (topical steroid) by Pharmacist”.

Nasywa’s presentation shows the Validity and Reliability Test of the Questionnaire Regarding the Use of Triamcinolone Acetonide 0.1% in Orabase (topical steroid) by Pharmacist. This testing is a part of her ongoing thesis research. the presentation is done under the guidance of supervising professors Dr. Indah Suasani Wahyuni, drg.,Sp.PM.,Subsp.Noninf (K)., and Dewi Zakiawati, drg., M.Sc., Sp.PM.

Moreover, another gained achievement is in the e-Poster category which succeed in becoming the second winner with the title Oral Wound Healing in Rats with Type II Diabetes Mellitus and Periodontitis. It is achieved by Syifa Arsy Adita, Azatil Ismah, Naufal Nabil Alhaj, Tiara Ervina Puspita, and Vaneza Natalie Hensen.

“We are visually analyzing wound healing in rats with diabetes and periodontitis using probiotic intervention. So it turns out that after using probiotics, wound healing in diabetic patients can even be faster in normal rats used as experimental animals,” said Syifa.

The e-poster is research presented in the form of a poster by Syifa and the team, which already has been done before through PKM RE. The students are mentored and guided by supervising professor Nuroh Najmi, S.Si.,M.Kes.

They hope after they achieve success in the international competition they can participate in another similar competition in the future. 

“Hopefully, this competition can serve as a lesson and evaluation for us to keep improving. We also hope that we can be more courageous in taking on new challenges, and may our research also be beneficial to many people. In the future, we hope to conduct other research projects as well,” added Tiara.

The 21st Students Scientific is an international science conference which is held by Universiti Sains Malaysia in the period of January – March 2024. Besides international seminars, this competition also competes in some categories such as clinical sciences, basic sciences, and public health which is held in hybrid. (released/SA)*

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