Researchers from Unpad Attend the CoEHAR International Meeting in Italy

Some professors from Unpad participated in the Replica 2.0 International Meeting event which was held by CoEHAR in Catania, Italy, from Monday (25/3/2024) until Friday (29/3/2024).*

Reported by Ismail Cahya Putra

[Unpad Media Channel] Some representatives of Universitas Padjadjaran attend the Replica 2.0 International Meeting event which was held by CoEHAR to launch the latest “Replica Project”. The event was held in Catania, Italy, from Monday (25/3/2024) until Friday (29/3/2024).

The representatives of Unpad fly to Italy to attend the event as a part of a collaboration between Unpad, the Faculty of Medical Sciences from the University of Kragujevac (Serbia), and the Sbarro Health Research Organization from Temple University (United States).

Unpad with two other institutions has contributed to the Replica Project through its research in the field of tobacco harm reduction (THR). Some professors from Unpad, Hanna Goenawan, dr., M.Kes., PhD; Ronny Lesmana, dr.,, AIFO, PhD; and Prof. apt. Melisa Intan Barliana, Dr. Med.Sc. take part in Catania as representatives from the Center of Excellence for Pharmaceutical Care Innovation or (Pharci) Unpad. Besides them, a doctoral student from Unpad’s Faculty of Pharmacy, Xylia Annisa, also attends the event as a part of her research activity at the University of Catania.

Every year, representatives from Unpad and other Replica Project partners gather at the CoEHAR centre in Catania. In the CoEHAR centre, they review research findings, align Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), and participate in laboratory training.

At the event of Replica 2.0 International Meeting, Hana, Ronny, Melisa, and Xylia go through intensive training which is held for one week.

“The purpose of this meeting session is to replicate and validate scientific research published on the impact and retail price of cigarettes on cancer progression, particularly on the molecular mechanisms in chemoresistance. In the future, the results of these researches will determine strategies for reducing the negative impact on specific patient populations who are vulnerable while improving their quality of life in terms of life expectancy and adverse reactions to chemotherapy,” said the Director of CoEHAR, Prof. Giovanni Li Volti. (released/SA)*

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