Accredited by FIBAA, 14 Study Programs from FEB Achieve “Accredited without Conditions” Predicate

The Building of Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Padjadjaran. (Photo: Dadan Triawan)*

[Unpad Media Channel] Fourteen study programs from Faculty of Economic and Business (FEB) at Universitas Padjadjaran succeeded in achieving international accreditation from the institution of “Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation” or FIBAA with the predicate of “Accredited without Conditions” that is valid from March 6th, 2024 – March 5th, 2029.

The 14 study programs are Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, Bachelor’s Degree in Management, Bachelor’s Degree in Islamic Economics, Bachelor’s Degree in Digital Business, Master’s Degree in Accounting, Master’s Degree in Economics, Master’s Degree in Applied Economics, Master’s Degree in Management, Master’s Degree in Management Science, Master’s Degree of Integrated Microfinance Management, Doctoral Degree in Accounting, Doctoral Degree in Economics, and Doctoral Degree in Management Science.

The Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business from Unpad Prof. Dr. Hj. Nunuy Nur Afiah, S.E., MS., Ak., CA. delivers her gratitude and honour for this achievement. The international accreditation from FIBAA is a recognition of the study program’s quality at the Faculty of Economics and Business at Unpad and becomes evidence that the Faculty of Economics and Business at Unpad is capable of competing at the international level.

“This accreditation also serves as a motivation for the Faculty of Economics and Business at Unpad to keep enhancing the education quality and giving the best services for students, also will always continue to keep improving and innovating to be the prestigious Faculty of Economics and Business in Indonesia and global,” she said.

The Vice-Dean of Learning, Student Affairs, and Research of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Unpad Prof. Maman Setiawan, SE., MT., Ph.D. also delivers that this accreditation is the result of the hard work from the academic community of Unpad’s Faculty of Economics and Business. Prof. Maman also states that this accreditation process is going through a process of nearly two years from the implementation of the workshop until the final assessment process, also the accreditation announcement. Therefore, Unpad’s Faculty of Economics and Business is very grateful for the cooperation of all parties until succeed in achieving this accreditation.

FIBAA is an institution of quality assurance which is recognized nationally and internationally. The accreditation process of FIBA is done comprehensively and independently, with the evaluation of every aspect of study programs, such as curriculum, learning process, quality of professors, also teaching and learning facilities.

Unpad’s Faculty of Economics and Business is eligible to use the Quality Certificate of FIBAA, which shows the commitment of Unpad’s Faculty of Economics and Business to providing higher quality education. This achievement is the result of effort and dedication from every academic community from Unpad’s Faculty of Economics and Business, including the faculty accreditation team, study program, student resource person, alumni, and professors. The international accreditation of FIBAA is real evidence of the Faculty of Economics and Business’ commitment to providing higher quality education and international standards.

Moreover, Prof. Nunuy said that the international accreditation achieved by Unpad’s Faculty of Economics and Business was a global recognition for its education and service quality. This achievement is the result of the hard work of all academic communities from Unpad’s Faculty of Economics and Business, which demonstrates their seriousness in improving the quality of education and services.

“With this international accreditation achievement, Unpad’s Faculty of Economics and Business strengthening its position as one of the leading Faculties of Economics and Business in the world. This will enhance the attractiveness of Unpad’s Faculty of Economics and Business for prospective students and open up opportunities for cooperation with various international institutions,” she explained.

The accreditation process itself started on March 8th, 2022. Initially, the Faculty of Economics and Business planned to submit all existing study programs, totalling 19 programs including 4 vocational programs. However, considering that FIBAA has different accreditation programs for vocational programs differently, FEB agreed that the 4 undergraduate study programs would not be included in the accredited programs at that time.

During the process, based on FIBAA instructions, FIBAA divides the 14 study programs into 4 clusters. The first cluster is study programs under the Economics Department, namely Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, Bachelor’s Degree in Islamic Economics, Master’s Degree in Applied Economics, and Doctoral Degree in Economics. The second cluster is study programs under the Accounting Department, namely Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, Master’s Degree in Accounting, and Doctoral Degree in Accounting. Furthermore, study programs under Management and Business are divided into two clusters. The third cluster consists of Bachelor’s Degree in Digital Business, Master’s Degree in Integrated Microfinance Management, and Doctoral Degree in Management Science.

During the drafting process of the Self Evaluation Report (SER), FIBAA determines 7 SER documents for 14 study programs. Faculty of Economics and Business decides the Ad hoc team for FIBAA accreditation with coordination under the Vice-Dean of Learning, Student Affairs, and Research at Unpad’s Faculty of Economics and Business Prof. Maman Setiawan, SE., MT., Ph.D. Technically, it is coordinated by the Manager of Student Learning and Alumni Affairs Unpad’s Faculty of Economics and Business Alfiah Hasanah, S.E., MEc, Ph.D.

Faculty of Economics and Business finished the SER process and officially reported the 7 documents of SER to FIBAA on December 23rd, 2022. The online assessment process is scheduled on September 12th – 14th, 2023 for the first cluster, September 26th – 28th, 2023 for the second cluster, October 4th – 6th, 2023 for the third cluster, and October 16th – 18th, 2023 for the third cluster.

Prof. Nunuy said that the assessment process involves three days per cluster, commencing with a presentation session led by university leaders.

“Faculty of Economics and Business is grateful and thankful for the contribution from the Rector of Universitas Padjadjaran Prof. Dr. Rina Indiastusi, S.E., M.SIE. who Consistently and never absent, presenting the vision and mission of Universitas Padjadjaran to the FIBAA Reviewers in every assessment session for all Faculty of Economics and Business’ clusters. The executive boards of the vice-rectors and the directors also contributed significantly to the accreditation process, namely the Director of Education and Internationalization and the Director of Research and Community Service,” said Prof. Nunuy. (released/SA)*

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