Unpad Rector Urges Postgraduate Students to Build Good Attitude and Character

Universitas Padjadjaran Rector, Prof. Rina Indiastuti, talking in front of new postgraduate students at the welcoming event for new postgraduate students, held at Grha Sanusi hardjadinata, Unpad's Dipati Ukur Campus, Wednesday (2/21/2024). (Photo: Dadan Triawan)*

[Unpad Media Channel] Universitas Padjadjaran held a welcoming ceremony for new postgraduate students at Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata, Unpad’s Iwa Koesoemasoemantri Campus on Wednesday (2/21/2024) and Thursday (2/22/2024). The event was filled with lectures and the handing over of student attributes.

At one such lecture, the Rector of Universitas Padjadjaran, Prof. Rina Indiastuti, wished for the new Unpad postgraduates to build good attitudes and strong character. She hoped the postgraduate education at Unpad could help the students to better themselves.

“Education at Unpad also builds character and develops good attitudes,” said the Rector at the Rektor Menyapa (The Rector Greets) talk on Wednesday.

Aside from their attitudes, the students also need to hone their skills and knowledge. Prof. Rina also cautioned them to not commit malicious acts such as bullying or sexual violence.

“It is up to you to prove you are excellent Unpad students who, in due time, will become beneficial and globally-recognized graduates,” urged the Rector.

She also advised the postgraduate students to be aware of the issues emerging in society. Furthermore, the Rector hoped the students are able to produce world-renowned academic works. As future Unpad graduates, they are also expected to be beneficial for Indonesia.

As postgraduate students, they are prompted to be able to help develop their fields through research and study, learn from the people and the environment, as well as gain new knowledge. With that, the graduates could become valuable with world-class academic reputations.

According to the Rector, Universitas Padjadjaran could act as a platform of study which could push the students to develop into useful contributors to the international community.

She explained that postgraduate education involves three approaches, namely continuous learning through research, cross-disciplinary study, and managing the data existing in the world.

The event was also filled with lectures from the Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Arief Sjamsulaksan Kartasasmita, Ph.D., and the Vice Rector for Research and Innovation, Prof. Dr. Hendarmawan. (arm/ICP)*

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