Six New FK Professors Present Findings at Appointment Ceremony

Four Professors of Universitas Padjadjaran Faculty of Medicine were appointed at the first session of Upacara Pengukuhan dan Orasi Ilmiah held at Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata, Unpad's Dipatiukur Campus, Tuesday (6/2/2024). (Photo: Dadan Triawan)

Report by Anggi Kusuma Putri and Salsabila Andiana

[Unpad Media Channel] Six Professors from Universitas Padjadjaran Faculty of Medicine (FK) delivered speeches on their appointment ceremony held at Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata, Unpad’s Iwa Koesoemasoemantri Campus, Bandung on Tuesday (6/2/2024).

The six newly-appointed professors are Prof. Dr. Hikmat Permana, dr. Sp.PD(K)., Prof. Dr. Arto Yuwono Soeroto, dr. SpPD, K-P., Prof. Hendra Gunawan, dr., Sp.D.V.E., Subsp.D.T., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Susi Susanah, dr. SpA(K)., M.Kes., Prof. Dr. Dewi Marhaeni Diah Herawati, drg., M.Si., and Prof. Dr. Deni Kurniadi Sunjaya, dr, DESS.

Prof. Hikmat Permana

At the event, Prof. Hikmat Permana, a Professor of Internal Medicine, delivered his speech titled “Opportunities to Digitalize Referrals of Diabetes Mellitus Sufferers in Building a Healthy Indonesia”.

Prof. Hikmat explained that maximizing programs to digitalize medical referrals can give way to higher quality healthcare services. This also helps to achieve the aims of the service provider without large spendings, instead making the service more effective and efficient.

According to him, the Sisrute app can be utilized as a media of communication between health facilities for medical referrals at an interprovincial level. This is targeted towards patients who need specialty care, as well as emergency care.

Not only for diabetes cases, the digitalization of medical referrals is also beneficial in the development of modern medicine. By forming a comprehensive data network, it could establish a more exceptional, effective, and efficient healthcare service for all medical cases in general.

Prof. Arto Yuwono Soeroto

A Professor of Internal Medicine and Pulmonology, Prof. Arto Yuwono Soeroto, gave his speech titled “Perspectives and Strategies for Issues in Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Clinical Management to Achieve WHO End TB Strategy 2035”.

Prof. Arto brought up the rising number of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (TB-RO) cases as a threat to the realization of the WHO End TB Strategy 2035 targets.

He further explained that one supporting factor of the rise of TB-RO cases is the difficulties in treatment. These include the relatively copious amount of drugs, the use of injections, a fairly long treatment duration of around 9-24 months, as well as the many side effects of treatment. The difficulties cause low rates of treatment success.

To solve those issues, Prof. Arto asserted that one possible strategy in the clinical management of TB-RO is to utilize up-to-date drugs and guidelines which are safer and more effective.

“One strategy in the clinical management of TB-RO is to, as soon as possible, use the latest drugs and guidelines which are more effective and safer,” explained Prof. Arto.

Prof. Hendra Gunawan

Prof. Hendra Gunawan, dr. Sp. D.V.E., Subsp.D.T., Ph.D., delivered a speech titled “Consistency of The Implementation of Strategies to Achieve Zero Leprosy: Towards a Leprosy-Free Indonesia”. He was appointed as a Professor of Tropical Dermatology.

In his speech, Prof. Hendra emphasized the need for consistency in implementing strategies to achieve the targets of the Zero Leprosy program. According to him, a leprosy-free Indonesia is achievable by prioritizing education, research, and innovation relating to leprosy, as well as the role of the public alongside full collaboration and commitment from stakeholders.

“By focusing on early diagnoses and advocation, as well as promoting research and innovation, we can achieve a leprosy-free Indonesia,” he added.

Prof. Susi Susanah

Prof. Dr. Susi Susanah, dr. SpA(K)., M.Kes. delivered her speech titled “The Transformation of Integrated Approach to Clinical Management of Genetic Disorders in Indonesia: Thalassemia as a Model”. Prof. Susi herself was appointed as a Professor of Pediatrics.

Prof. Susi laid out how thalassemia has become a global health concern, including in Indonesia. Based on the scoring from the Thalassemia International Federation, Indonesia is still categorized in the D category in national thalassemia prevention programs.

“In essence, (category D) are for countries with low activity in thalassemia prevention and control,” she explained.

Prof. Susi described how, to handle the control of thalassemia, there needs to be contribution from the government as well as the Indonesian people in reducing new thalassemia major cases. That can be done through dissemination, thalassemia screening, as well as from the results of research through collaborations between academics and clinicians.

“A comprehensive and integrated thalassemia management means increasing the quality of service for better survivability and quality of life for thalassemia sufferers,” she said.  

The carrying out, and innovation, of research and technology in an effort to reduce the prevalence of thalassemia is also needed through multidisciplinary and multisector collaborations supported by government policies.

“The West Java Center for Thalassemia is one such solution,” concluded Prof. Susi.

Prof. Dewi Marhaeni Diah Herawati

Prof. Dewi Marhaeni Diah Herawati, drg. M.Si. gave a speech titled “Managing Nutrition for National Excellence”. Prof. Dewi was appointed as a Professor of Health Administration and Policy.

Prof. Dewi illustrated how food with good nutritional value is integral to sustaining life, physical growth, mental development, productivity, health, and well-being. It can also allow for opportunities to combat poverty and hunger gradually.

The deficiency in nutrition could cause malnutrition. “Currently, the world is facing the triple burden of malnutrition, which includes wasting, stunting, and obesity,” she stated.

Furthermore, Prof. Dewi explained that in nutrition management, family support and input is needed to enact a sustainable change toward a healthier diet.

According to her, smart food can be developed to combat malnutrition. “The concept of smart food is to teach how food should be beneficial for the body, the planet, and the farmers,” she added.

Prof. Dewi suggested for every person, families, the people, and the state to be aware of the importance of consuming smart food to optimally reduce the prevalence of malnutrition and systemic disorders. In addition, they should conserve natural resources well for the welfare of the people.

“This is so our human resources could excel compared to other countries,” she concluded.

Prof. Deni Kurniadi Sunjaya

Another Professor of Health Administration and Policy, Prof. Dr. Deni Kurniadi Sunjaya, dr, DESS, delivered a speech with the title “Preparing Independent and Holistically Healthy Elderly Towards a Golden Indonesia”.

Prof. Deni explained that health policies relating to vulnerable groups, specifically the elderly, have thoroughly regulated the aspects of social protection and health, such as those covering long term or palliative care. However, policies in development need a change of perspective towards the elderly, from them as a burden to them becoming potential for national advancement.

“The state has to be responsible for dependent and needy groups. But, it also has to identify the potential for national development from the elderly,” said Prof. Deni.

Prof. Deni stated that to handle such issues, there needs to be a dynamic information system geared for the health of the elderly. Digital twins in the health sector are a fitting choice in using technology to strengthen public health, and create a more precise healthcare system.

“Since 2021, we have been developing the early stages of censors, such as those used in digital twins, in the form of digital health screening apps on a platform. These digital screenings are stored on a platform named ScreenOut so that the apps can be maintained, easily improved, and are able to interact with one another with ease,” he stated. (art/ICP)*

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