Unpad Launches P4GN Action Plan, Aims to Achieve Drug-Free Campus

An education personnel of Universitas Padjadjaran gives a urine sample during the event of Action Plan for Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Penyalahgunaan Peredaran Gelap Narkotika dan Prekursor Narkotika or P4GN (Prevention and Eradication of Drug Trafficking and Narcotics Precursor Abuse) at Bale Sawala, Unpad Rectorate Building, Jatinangor campus, Thursday (4/1/2024). (Photo: Dadan Triawan)*

[Unpad Media Channel] Universitas Padjadjaran initiates action plan for Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Penyalahgunaan Peredaran Gelap Narkotika dan Prekursor Narkotika or P4GN (Prevention and Eradication of Drug Trafficking and Narcotics Precursor Abuse). The action plan is held at Bale Sawala, Unpad Rectorate Building, Jatinangor campus, Thursday (4/1/2024).

The event is attended by the Executive Boards of Universitas Padjadjaran, along with the chair of the student organization at Unpad as a student representative.

“Let’s commit and initiate that our campus is a campus where not a single person is found involved in the misuse or trafficking of narcotics and narcotic precursors,” said the Rector.

As noted by the Rector, Unpad as higher education should be at the forefront in maintaining the quality of human resources, namely the human resources of Unpad and the entire Indonesian nation.

The quality of human resources must not be distorted, affecting their potential and future due to involvement in drug abuse and similar activities.

“It will be a great loss if the high-quality human resources of Unpad, which are continuously being refined, are disrupted due to issues of involvement in drug abuse or trafficking. Therefore, let us declare a commitment to have no more members of the Unpad community, especially students, professors, education personnel, and boards, involved in these activities,” said the Rector.

Besides damaging the quality of human resources, the Rector said that being involved in narcotics or participating in the distribution of narcotics means breaking the law. Therefore, the Rector encourages the Unpad community to be non-permissive and prevent their surroundings from falling into drug abuse.

Moreover, the Rector said that Unpad is committed to uphold good morals and ethics. Unpad has also established a task force to address cases of harassment or sexual violence. The following action is being closely observed: bullying.

“So about ethics, morals, and behavior, they are not only academic ethics; they will be emphasized well at Unpad,” said the Rector.

On that occasion, the Director of Human Resources, Aulia Iskandarsyah, M.Psi., M.Sc., Ph.D., said that this effort was a translation of the laws and various regulations.

As mentioned by Aulia, Unpad would always commit to implement and ensure the success of the P4GN program. In the future, Unpad will organize a socialization and structured program for prevention in line with the P4GN program. In addition, a P4GN task force will also be formed in the Unpad environment.

Urine sample tests for the attending participants are also conducted.

“Hopefully, Unpad academics community and all of Unpad community are free from drug abuse,” hoped Aulia. (art/SA)*

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