Unpad Initiates Risk Management for Good University Governance

The Executive Boards of Universitas Padjadjaran participates in Dissemination of Risk Management Implementation and Technical Guidance on Risk Register Development Socialization for Executive Boards at Unpad in Joint Meeting Room 2 at Rektorat Unpad Building, Jatinangor, Wednesday (17/1/2024). (Photo: Dadan Triawan)

[Unpad Media Channel] Universitas Padjadjaran holds a Dissemination of Risk Management Implementation and Technical Guidance on Risk Register Development Socialization for Executive Boards at Unpad. It is held in the Joint Meeting Room 2 at Rektorat Unpad Building, Jatinangor, Wednesday (17/1/2024).

The event is officially opened by the Vice-Rector for Planning and Organization Prof. Drs. Yanyan Mochamad Yani, MAIR., Ph.D. In his speech, Prof. Yanyan said that the implementation of risk management was a part of strengthening the good university governance at Unpad. 

“Starting from this year, we strive to synergize and harmoniously strengthen good university governance at Universitas Padjadjaran,” said Prof. Yanyan.

As said by Prof. Yanyan, the implementation of risk management relates to academic and non-academic activities.

The Head of the Risk Management Team of Unpad Dr. Ivan Yudianto, S.E., Ak., M.Si., said that the risk owner (Director, Dean, Head of Administration, and Head of Consortium) with the help from risk officer (Secretary of the Directorate, Vice-Head of Administration, Faculty Manager, Consortium Manager) from every office unit had to identify each risk. The result is being reported to the Risk Management Team, Vice Rector, and Rector.

Said Ivan, risk management is necessary to maintain Unpad’s competitive edge and protect its reputation. 

“Let’s ensure our reputation stays intact and avoid unwise actions,” said Ivan.

Ivan explained that the implementation of risk management was an integral part of the implementation of the higher education management system. The process of risk management is also needed to create sustainable improvement. The standard used by Unpad is ISO 31000:2018.

According to Ivan, with the implementation of risk management, Unpad could reduce detrimental incidents and implement mitigation from the beginning. 

“If we already detect the risk from the start, we can already work on strategies to overcome it,” said Ivan. Moreover, Unpad can also capitalize on opportunities as risks have been effectively managed. The implementation of risk management also can support strategic decision-making. (art/SA)*

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