Unpad Expert: Despite No-Fault Zone, Earthquake Vigilance is Needed

Dr. Ir. Ismawan. M.T.*

Reported by: Anggi Kusuma Putri

[Unpad Media Channel] A Faculty of Geological Engineering professor from Universitas Padjadjaran, Dr. Ir. Ismawan. M.T., suggested that people had to keep an eye on unpredictable earthquake disasters. Earthquake disaster mitigation is also necessary.

Ismawan explained that the cause of Sumedang’s earthquake several days ago was the movement of active faults that fell into the category of tectonic earthquakes.The earthquake occurs due to the movement of a fault that has not been mapped so far. Therefore, Ismawan urges people to always be vigilant in responding to earthquakes, even in areas that have never been mapped for faults.

“Although not living in the mapped area, we must be cautious,” said Ismawan during Bincang Santai FTG (Casual Discussion of Faculty of Geological Engineering), which is streamed on the Faculty of Geological Engineering of Universitas Padjadjaran’s YouTube Channel. Tuesday (9/1/2024),

Ismawan also explained that the tectonic earthquake, generally, did not show any signs and occurred suddenly. Therefore, research to find the location and position of faults is required to prevent damage. A study still needs to be conducted for the faults found to explain the faults’ direction.

“It is because an earthquake occurs; the most affected area is along the line. The surrounding areas are not heavily affected by the earthquake, even though it causes damage, the tremors alone may not necessarily result in significant damage to large infrastructure,” explained Ismawan.

Ismawan also elaborated that Sumedang’s earthquake was not the fault activity of Cileunyi-Tanjungsari, which had already been mapped and was proven to be an active fault. Moreover, the society, especially people in Jatinangor whose areas are traversed by this fault, must remain vigilant.

Regarding the mitigation efforts, Ismawan said it was essential to give disaster mitigation simulations to children. Habits frequently taught since childhood can enhance preparedness when facing disasters, significantly reducing emerging risks.

“If we repeatedly do the simulation, our actions may not always result from conscious thought but rather become automatic, thus significantly reducing the risk of disasters,” he explained. (art/SA)*

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