Unpad Rebranding Ready-to-drink Water Faucet to “Cikahuripan”

Unpad community tries the "Cikahuripan" water faucet, which is located at the front yard of Kandaga Building/Unpad Central Library, Jatinangor, Friday (22/12/2023). "Cikahuripan" is a rebranding from "Jalatista" that has been operated since 2017. (Photo: Dadan Triawan)*

Reported by Ahmad Dyandra Rama Putra Bagaskara

[Unpad Media Channel] Universitas Padjadjaran is rebranding the “Jalatista” ready-to-drink water faucet to “Cikahuripan” as a part of Unpad service improvement on providing water access and reducing plastic bottle waste.

The ready-to-drink water faucet is officially launched by the Rector of Unpad, Prof. Rina Indiastuti, at the front yard of Kandaga Building/Unpad Central Library, Jatinangor, Friday (22/12/2023).

The Director of Innovation and Corporation of Unpad, Prof. Tomy Perdana, S.P., M.M., explained that the naming of the Cikahuripan ready-to-drink water faucet had a meaning from the Sundanese culture uniqueness. “Ci” means water, and “kahuripan” means life.

“So, the meaning of this rebranding is not only renaming but also an effort to renew the drinking water service facility as Unpad’s contribution to achieve sustainability development goals and gain Unpad’s reputation internationally,” explained Prof. Tomy.

As said by Prof. Tomy, recently, there are 16 facilities of Cikahuripan scattered across 14 locations, namely nine faculties and five supporting facilities in Unpad, including Unpad Central Library.
In Unpad Central Library, Cikahuripan is available in and outside the building.

“Hopefully, by this facility, the Unpad community can take the benefit optimally,” hoped Prof. Tomy.

In her speech, the Rector said that the rebranding was expected to encourage the Unpad community to reduce plastic bottle waste. Therefore, with the existence of Cikahuripan, the Unpad community will not need to buy bottled drinking water.

“With this rebranding, hopefully, more students, professors, and staff will drink the water (Cikahuripan). The goal is for us to collectively reduce the purchase of bottled mineral water and the disposal of plastic bottles,” said the Rector.

Moreover, the Rector added that the water in Cikahurian was from Manglayang Mountain. Before it is served, the water goes through the process of filtering and filtration using high technology to ensure the water quality so people can drink it safely.

The Rector also encourages Unpad students to contribute in popularizing the presence of the Cikahuripan drinking water faucet.

“So, for the students, try to popularize it. The water, Cikahuripan, can be promoted to other students widely. Do not hesitate to drink, and once again, to reduce plastic bottle waste. That is our goal,” said the Rector. (art/SA)*

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