Unpad Invites Partners and Investors for the Development of PPP for Unpad Hospital

Rector of Universitas Padjadjaran, Prof. Rina Indiastuti, instructs in the event of Market Sounding for Unpad Hospital Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Project, which is held in Hotel Pullman Bandung Grand Central, Bandung, Monday (18/12/2023). (Photo: Dadan Triawan)*

[Unpad Media Channel] The Rector of Universitas Padjadjaran, Prof. Rina Indiastuti, invites several partners and investors to be a collaborator on the development project of the State University Hospital or Unpad Hospital through the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) scheme.

It was conveyed by the Rector in the Market Sounding for Unpad Hospital PPP Project, which is held in Hotel Pullman Bandung Grand Central, Bandung, Monday (18/12/2023). The event, which is organized hybrid, is attended by a representative from the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Unpad executives, directors of Unpad Hospital, also potential partners and investors for the Unpad Hospital PPP project.

The Rector stated that the development of Unpad Hospital through the PPP scheme had been fully supervised by the Ministry of Finance and the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) of Indonesia. One of them is the Project Development Facility (PDF), which the Ministry of Finance gives. Therefore, this market exploration allows potential partners and investors to learn more about the Unpad Hospital PPP project.

“Hopefully, it can generate interest and lead to further collaboration as partners in the development project of Unpad Hospital,” said the Rector.

Furthermore, the Rector assessed that the State University Hospital (RSPTN) was necessary for Unpad to implement education and healthcare services in the community. Recently, health sciences education has been one of Unpad’s strengths. Aside from having a complete level of education, health sciences also produce innovative research works that have already gained national and international recognition.

Another fundamental for establishing Unpad Hospital is contributing to the lack of health facilities in West Java and Indonesia. In West Java, the existence of type A hospitals still needs to be improved. Therefore, Unpad Hospital, in its future development, will be encouraged to be a type B hospital until it becomes a type A hospital.

The location of RSPTN in Jatinangor has excellent development potential. In addition to having many significant universities, toll access, the region located in the middle of West Java, and also close to the high-speed train station, this area is projected to become one of the key cities driving the progress of West Java.

“From the potential side of demand and infrastructure comprehensiveness, undoubtedly, Jatinangor is a promising area. Therefore, from the perspective of demand and market analysis, the existence of this hospital can be envisioned,” said the Rector.

Meanwhile, the Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs of Unpad, Prof. Arief S. Kartasasmita, explained the Unpad Hospital PPP Project. The PPP Project is the second stage of Unpad Hospital’s establishment, which started in March 2023. The first stage of Unpad Hospitals’ establishment is the construction of a five-floor building (Building A) with a capacity of 117 beds. Unpad and grants from the West Java Provincial Government fund its construction (Building A). The construction of Building A is already underway and will be handed over in the first quarter of 2024.

Prof. Arief said that more than the establishment of Building A was necessary to develop education capacity at Unpad. Therefore, Unpad plans to build an additional building, or Building B, with an extra bed capacity of 132 beds, and it has eight floors.

“Thus, when merged, we will have 249 beds as a fundamental for our mission to be type B hospital, which in the beginning will be developed into type A hospital,” he stated.

The scope of the PPP offered for collaboration includes joint activities for Building A and the building to be developed into Building B. The PPP scheme for Building B covers the development of facilities, maintenance, operations, and convenience facilities. Meanwhile, the PPP scheme for Building A includes maintenance, operations, and convenience facilities. (arm/SA)*

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