Unpad IISMA Awardee Visits Renowned Companies in England

Daffa Dhiya Ulhaq.*

[Unpad Media Channel] A student of Unpad’s Media Production Management vocational program, Daffa Dhiya Ulhaq, became one of the awardees of this year’s Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA). Through the IISMA program, Daffa was awarded the chance to study at Coventry University, England.

Daffa, along with 38 other awardees, were accompanied by Pro. Benny Tjahjono, a professor of Sustainability and Supply Chain Management at the Centre for Business in Society (CBiS).

During his time at Coventry University, Daffa felt he had gained many new experiences, such as encountering the diversity and difference of culture in Coventry. He also had the chance to study management and business, especially in marketing.

As stated in a release received by Unpad Media Channel, Daffa also did an industry visit program titled “Pride of Britain Tour” held by Coventry University. Through this program, Daffa got the chance to visit renowned companies in England, such as JCB Manufacturing Company, DHL Logistics, Google, Triumph Motorcycle, Mini, and Arsenal Football Club.

“I feel very lucky to be a part of the IISMA contingent in Coventry, and also to have Prof. Benny to be my IISMA guide, because during my time here I can see the process and background behind those big companies,” he said.

Daffa was also tasked to figure out how the companies defined and used their Voice of the Customer (VOC). With this, as a marketing student, Daffa can gain further information regarding the importance of VoC in running a business.

All of the IISMA awardees in Coventry University were tasked to make a report of their visit on the topic of Voice of the Customer, so they can compare notes on how each company applies their VoC.

Daffa felt lucky that he was able to be a part of IISMA at Coventry University. He would also like to thank IISMA and Coventry University for giving him the chance to study in England and visit companies that are well-known throughout the world.

“Hopefully, the IISMA program can provide even more opportunities for all Indonesian students so they may experience studying abroad,” he concluded. (ICP)*

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