Seven Programs from the Faculty of Communication Science Achieve AQAS International Accreditation

The Dean's Office Building of the Faculty of Communication Science, Universitas Padjadjaran. (Photo: Arif Maulana)*

[Unpad Media Channel] Seven programs from the Faculty of Communication Science at Universitas Padjadjaran achieved international accreditation from an international accreditation institution, the Agency for Quality Assurance by Accreditation of Study Programs (AQAS), which is based in Germany. The accreditation is released according to the AQAS Standing Commission meeting result, which is held on December 4th, 2023.

The seven programs from the Faculty of Communication Science of Unpad, which receive international accreditation, are Undergraduate Program of Communication Science, Library Science, Public Relations, Communication Management, Journalism, Postgraduate Program of Communication Science, and Doctoral Program of Communication Science.

The Dean of the Faculty of Communication Science at Unpad, Dr. Dadang Rahmat Hidayat, M.Si., said that the achievement of international accreditation was an effort to improve the quality, service excellence, and quality of learning for students. The quality of learning in the faculty, from the study major, will be much better.

“From that intention, we must improve lots of matters comprehensively, and the accreditation is one of the outputs,” said Dadang when interviewed by Unpad Media Channel.

Furthermore, Dadang explained that the process of AQAS international accreditation preparation went through a long path. Starting from the internal assessment to evaluate the extent of Unpad’s Faculty of Communication Science position at that time, its strengths and weaknesses, also what already is developed and needs to be developed. Then, the preparation of drafting the script and discussion with experts experienced in international accreditation.

Acknowledged by Dadang, there are more aspects to be improved. “Initially, our major already has an A accreditation, and some even excel. Then, with the additional motive of dedication and good intentions from our administration team,” he added.

The field visitation process by the AQAS assessor was done from May 31st to June 2nd, 2023. According to Dadang, the Faculty of Communication Science at Unpad was an institution that had on-site field visitation by the assessor. It becomes a challenge, considering that the field visitation will directly validate the data or evidence provided in the form.

From the accreditation result, several notes need to be improved, mainly in enhancing the internationalization process at a faculty level.

Dadang said the required improvements were curriculum adjustment under international standards, an internationally recognized credit system, improved students’ competitiveness through accountable processes, and increased international students and scholars.

“Our procedures and governance are no longer local; instead, it is about effectively implementing learning governance following international standards. Faculty of Communication at Unpad will fulfill its obligations,” said Dadang. (arm/SA)*

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