Rector of Unpad Expects Professors’ Role in Top 500 World Ranking

The Rector of Universitas Padjadjaran, Prof. Rina Indiastuti, with the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, Arief Yahya, hold a social gathering with the Professors of Unpad at Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad, Iwa Koesoemasoemantri Campus, Bandung, Friday (29/12/2023). (Photo: Dadan Triawan)*

Reported by Anggi Kusuma Putri

[Unpad Media Channel] The Executive Boards of Universitas Padjadjaran hold a Year-End Gathering (Silaturahmi Akhir Tahun) event with many Professors, which is held at Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad Iwa Koesoemasoemantri Campus, Bandung, Friday (29/12/2023).

The Rector of Unpad, Prof. Rina Indiastuti, S.E., M. SIE., and the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Ir. Arief Yahya. M. Sc. attend the gathering event as a speaker, and the Chairperson of the Board of Professors, Prof. Arief Anshory Yusuf, as a moderator.

In front of many Professors, the Rector explained that Unpad’s main program in 2024 was to implement excellence in every aspect, such as education, research, innovation, and world-class university excellence.

Not only that, the Rector also explained that there were two main focuses of the major work program, namely pushing for entry into the top 500 in the QS World University Rankings and increasing Unpad’s revenue to Rp 1.75 trillion.

“We humbly request not only support but also a contribution to maintain and increase our productivity to improve the QS parameters,” said the Rector.

Moreover, at that opportunity, Arief also presents the main program of the Board of Trustees in 2024. In his presentation, Arief delivers the three main programs: university hybrid program, investment acceleration program, and endowment fund program.

“I think Unpad is the best higher education in Indonesia for university hybrid,” said Arief. Not only presenting the three 2024 main programs, Arief also delivers several programs from five committees in the Board of Trustees. (arm/SA)*

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