CCR Unpad-UI-Monash University-CSIRO Australia Hold a Waste Audit Training for Research in Citarum

Participants in training titled “Capacity Building for Establishing a Baseline of Marine Litter di West Java” at Unpad Campus, Jatinangor, December 6th – 8th, 2023.*

[Unpad Media Channel] Citarum Center of Research (CCR) of Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) collaborated with CSIRO research institution, Monash University, and Universitas Indonesia (UI) on researching waste audit in Citarum River Basin. 

The audit process involved some surveyors spread across various research locations. The chairperson of the Citarum Research Center Unpad (Pusris Citarum Unpad), Dr. Kartika Hajar Kirana, M.Si., said that to begin the research, the surveyors first received training about field data collection method entitled “Capacity Building for Establishing a Baseline of Marine Litter di West Java” at Unpad campus, Jatinangor, December 6th – 8th 2023.

In that training, 30 participants consisting of researchers, surveyors, also students from Unpad and UI received material about data collection using specific methods from SCIRO. Kartika explained that on the waste audit, several factors were needed to be considered to see the debris, such as how much area will be audited, whether in large or small regions.

The data collection process involved specifically auditing the type of plastic waste. Later, from that audit, most debris would be found in land or river areas.

“Eventually, an area with the most waste will be known. Unpad plans to do the waste audit in the headwaters of the Citarum River,” said Kartika. 

For three days, participants were not only given theoretical materials delivered indoors. Participants were invited to walk around Ekoriparian Leuwi Padjadjaran on the second day. On the third day, participants were given training about marine debris in the Cibendo beach area.

Kartika said participants learned new knowledge about the waste audit process.

“They receive an experience that cannot be obtained elsewhere,” she said.

As a continuation of the training, the team plan was to survey the field directly to applicate audit materials that had been received. The survey plans will be done next January – February 2024. (am/SA)*

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