Achieving Accomplishments in Pimnas 36, Unpad Continues to Refine Preparations for the Coming Year

The judge's team congratulates PKM (Student Creativity Program) of Universitas Padjadjaran, who get achievements on the 36th Pimnas, Thursday (30/11/2023). (Photo: Dadan Triawan)*

Reported by Ahmad Dyandra Rama Putra Bagaskara and Fella Rifnawati

[Unpad Media Channel] The PKM (Student Creativity Program) team of Universitas Padjadjaran successfully achieved several accomplishments and made it to the top 30 in the 36th National Student Scientific Week (Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional or Pimnas). It was announced in the Closing and Awarding ceremony at the yard of the Basic Science Service Centre (Pusat Pelayanan Basic Science), Thursday night (30/11/2023). 

Unpad accomplished five achievements, which consisted of one bronze-equivalent medal in the PKM-K-3 poster category, one silver-equivalent medal in the PKM-RE-1 poster category, one bronze-equivalent medal in the PKM-RE-2 poster category, one bronze in the PKM-K-4 presentation category, and an individual talented category award achieved by Satria Bentang Samudera in the PKM-PI.

The Rector of Unpad, Prof. Rina Indiastuti, responded to the achievements gained by the Unpad Pimnas team in the Pimnas 36. She was glad that many Unpad teams in Pimnas achieved several medals.

“Recently, the Unpad teams got several medals, so grateful. We have to keep strengthening ourselves. Next year, we must be better and achieve a gold medal. So, we (have to) keep our spirit,” said the Rector. 

In accordance with the Rector, the Daily Chairperson of Pimnas 36, Dr. Eng. Boy Yoseph Cahya Sunan Sakti Syah Alam, S.T., M.T., also appreciated the Unpad Pimnas team. He regarded the Unpad’s achievement during Pimnas 36 as increased than the last Pimnas. 

“Compared to last year, we did not have any rank. Lately, we achieved several silver and bronze (medals). Later, we have to prepare well to achieve gold,” Boy said.

Moreover, the Rector said Unpad had to learn more from other universities regarding their preparation for Pimnas. With the holding of Pimnas at Unpad, they were expected to gain more spirit related to students’ interest in doing innovation research.

“For the next Pimnas, we have to be better. Therefore, we have to promote students’ research innovation culture,” answered the Rector when questioned about her hope for Unpad’s achievement in the coming Pimnas.

Encountered during the event, one of Unpad Pimnas team’s representatives, Hadi Firdaus, gave his comment after the announcement of Pimnas 36’s winner. He said he did not expect his PKM team, “Seraphy,” to get a silver medal in the Pimnas 36’s poster competition. 

“Alhamdulillah. Certainly, our effort for Pimnas 36 was not that easy. However, alhamdulillah. It seems like our struggle, our hard work, was paid off. We are so thankful for the achievement of the silver gold medal in the poster category,” uttered Hadi. 

Hadi also conveyed a message to another Unpad Pimnas team who did not get a medal to not give up. There would be another opportunity for Unpad students to get achievement.

“For me, to be in Pimnas is already excellent. You do not have to be the winner because, as for me now, I do not expect anything to be the winner. Maybe, if there is another chance in the future, you can try again,” concluded Hadi.

The data on Unpad’s PKM winners in Pimnas 36 was as follows:

 1. Bronze in the PKM-K-3 Poster category for the team ‘TABORAI: Innovation of Purifying Tablets from Corn Cobs to Overcome Used Cooking Oil Pollution and Improve the Oil Consumption Pattern of the Community,’ led by Nariswari Ratnadhewati;

2. Silver in the PKM-RE-1 Poster category for the team ‘Study of Oceanology and Recognition Tools to Develop Safe and Sustainable Sea Sand Therapy at Kejawanan Beach, Cirebon Regency,’ led by Hadi Firdaus;

3. Bronze in the PKM-RE-2 Poster category for the team ‘Injectable Biocopolymer k-Carrageenan Chitosan-Based Hydrogel with Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) as an Innovative Method for Decubitus Ulcer Treatment,’ led by Ulyaa Rachmawati.;

4. Bronze in the PKM-K-4 Presentation category for the team ‘EasyBath: 3in1 Antimicrobial Waterless Bath Spray Made from Spices and Waste from Siam Orange Peel as an Eco-Friendly Product with Indonesian Characteristics,’ led by Ingrid Putri Ramadhani;

5. The Individual Talent Award was achieved by Satria Bentang Samudra from the PKM-PI team ‘Implementation of Functional Feed Made from Local Raw Materials to Improve the Performance of Dairy Goats in the Tani Jaya Makmur Farmer Group in the Coastal Area,’ led by Budi Santoso. (arm/SA)*

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