Unpad Faculty of Agroindustrial Technology Holds International Virtual Mobility Program

The International Virtual Mobility Program event held by Universitas Padjadjaran Faculty of Agroindustrial Technology.*

[Unpad Media Channel] Universitas Padjadjaran’s Faculty of Agroindustrial Technology (FTIP) held the International Virtual Mobility Program (VMP) from November 21st to 23rd 2023.

The program, which was held online, raises the theme “Trends and Innovations in Food Science and Technology to Address Future Challenges” by inviting national and international researchers and academics with expertise in their fields as speakers.

“The VMP can be utilized as a means of exchanging thoughts between researchers, academics, and students whether local or from abroad, increase the number of international students in each university, provide international experience to lecturers and students, as well as a key to opening other programs,” said Dian Kurniati, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. as the head of the event.

The speakers in this event are: Dr. Randah Algurashi from King Faisal University (Saudi Arabia); Prof. Yaya Rukayadi, Ph. D. from University Putra Malaysia (Malaysia); Rona Camille M. Lizardo-Agustin, Ph. D. from University of The Philippines Los Baños (The Philippines); Prof. Yukari Egashira from Chiba University (Japan); Prof. Dr. Jasur Safarov from Tashkent State Technical University (Uzbekistan); Prof. Gulum Sumnu from Middle East Technical University (Turkey); Dr. Mohd Nizam bin Lani from Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (Malaysia); and Yana Cahyana, Ph.D., Bambang Nurhadi, Ph.D., and Tri Yuliana, Ph. D., all from Universitas Padjadjaran (Indonesia).

In his speech, Prof. Arief laid out that this virtual mobility program shows the power of global collaboration and technological advancement that allows us to be connected and to share our knowledge across borders.

The Dean of Unpad FTIP, Dr. Ir. Sarifah Nurjanah, MAppSc. said that the VMP, which was being held for the third time, is one effort to realize Unpad’s vision of becoming a world-class university.

“So that it becomes a part of our awareness of the contribution of science and technology, specifically towards the utilization of biomass. Hopefully, we can all contribute more towards international involvement in the near future,” she said.

Through the VMP program, it is hoped that inventive innovations will appear not only for facing current challenges, but also to open ways to a more resilient, sustainable, and efficient future. (release)* (ICP)

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