A Total of 43 Pieces of Technology and Innovation Displayed at Pimnas 36

The Rector of Universitas Padjadjaran with representatives from universities, BPTI, and the Ministry of Education and Culture surveys a stand at the Technology and Innovation Exhibition held at the Bale Santika futsal field, Unpad, Jatinangor, Monday (27/11/2023). (Photo: Dzaki Fadilah Yusuf)

Reported by Silmi Lestari and Prininta Meisya Rahardjo

[Unpad Media Channel] A total of 43 pieces of technology and innovation were displayed at the Technology and Innovation Exhibition in the futsal field of Bale Santika, Universitas Padjadjaran’s Jatinangor Campus, November 27th-30th 2023. This event was held as part of the 36th Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (National Student Scientific Week or Pimnas).

This Technology and Innovation Exhibition showcases highly innovative pieces of technology which have a positive impact on the development of Indonesia. The theme raised by the event was “Technology and Creativity for an Advanced Indonesia”.

“(This exhibition) focuses more on how technology can innovate profoundly and have an impact on the advancement of Indonesia going forward. Sustainable technology is prioritized,” explained Exhibition Coordinator, Asri Peni Wulandari, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Asri also said that the exhibition is open to the public. Although most of the innovations on display come from, the Pimnas 36 event host, Universitas Padjadjaran, the exhibition also involves contributions from universities coming from other regions such as Bangka Belitung, Tasikmalaya, and from a few institutions such as the Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (National Research and Innovation Agency or BRIN) and the Balai Pengembangan Talenta Indonesia (Indonesian Talent Development Center or BPTI).

We are spreading the idea that Indonesia has good research potential, especially from its students. So, anyone is welcome to attend,” she added.

Asri hopes for this exhibition to be an inspiration for everyone, especially Unpad students, to feel the very positive atmosphere of technological development from the researchers involved. Aside from that, this exhibition is also hoped to be able to open the collaboration and cooperation potential from many parties, whether they represent the industry or researchers.

“It is hoped that there will be collaboration, yes. Hopefully, there is outside interest, whether from the industry or external researchers, so that there are further plans to collaborate,” said Asri. (art)* (ICP)

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