Unpad Embraces 9 Legal Entity State University in the Success of AHEC Communique Webinar Series

[Unpad Media Channel] The AHEC Communique Webinar Series, as a part of the ASEAN Higher Education Conference (AHEC) 2023, was already held on Wednesday (16/8/2023). As a host of AHEC 2023, Universitas Padjadjaran had a significant role in the success of the webinar series.

The chief committee of AHEC 2023, Prof. Dr.med. Setiawan, dr., said that even if Unpad was credible by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology and the Rectors of Indonesia University to be the host, Unpad engaged other universities in Indonesia, especially from Legal Entity State University (PTN-BH), to collaborate on succeeding AHEC 2023 activities.

“We want to share roles with another notable university so that in the AHEC Communique Webinar Series, every host is from a state university,” said Prof. Setiawan.

AHEC Communique Webinar Series was a part of the pre-event activity from AHEC 2023. There were ten series of webinars that were held since June 7th, 2023. Unpad was the first state university to have the webinar last June 7th, 2023.

The other nine state universities held the next Communique Webinar Series event until August 16th with direct collaboration with Unpad. All events can be watched on the Unpad YouTube channel every Wednesday.

The second webinar was held in collaboration with UPI on June 14th, 2023. The third webinar was collaborated with UNP on June 21st, 2023. The fifth webinar was collaborated with Unair on July 5th, 2023. The sixth webinar was collaborated with ITB on July 12th, 2023. The seventh webinar was collaborated with UT on July 19th, 2023.

The eighth webinar was collaborated with Unhas on July 26th, 2023. Furthermore, collaboration was held with IPN for the ninth webinar on August 2nd, 2023, UGM for the tenth webinar on August 9th, 2023, and the fourth webinar with UI on August 16th, 2023.

Prof. Setiawan said that the university host had a role in finding resource person through the deployment of countries in the ASEAN region. Unpad then did the coordination of technical implementation when the webinar was streamed.

After the webinar was held, the state university of communique members extracted the results from the webinar.

Moreover, the Dean of the Unpad Master Program explained, from the webinar, a red string of essential messages was being conveyed. The important message was for creating the ASEAN region as a joint area; a commitment from every party was needed, both government, state university, and industry.

Commitment was required to support collective quality assurance and encourage academic mobility.

“Every party has certain roles, but it was our responsibility to answer the challenge and take the opportunity, especially in innovation aspect and digital transformation, industry connectivity, resilience and sustainability,” explained him.

Several specific issues, for example, related to the fusion and encouraging digital power in tridarma, innovative collaboration, industry collaboration such as maritime aspect and energy, sustainable issues and resilience in sovereignty and food security, until climate change mitigation, health, and sustainable tourism.

For Unpad, Prof. Setiawan said, this webinar allowed fresh collaboration with any parties with a track record in specific fields. This case was hoped to encourage the increase of sustainable international cooperation.

“This sure be part of Unpad branding and positioning at the international and regional level of ASEAN to show off, lead and coordinate strategic dialogue for increasing quality and our value in ASEWAN region, as a manifestation and real action of Unpad Bermanfaat dan Mendunia,” he said.*SA

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