Officially Established, Here are the Tasks of the Unpad PPKS Task Force

[Kanal Media Unpad] Universitas Padjadjaran has established the Unpad Satuan Tugas PPKS (Sexual Violence Prevention and Handling Task Force) for the 2022-2024 period on August 29, 2022. A total of nine people consisting of faculty members, staff, and students were appointed as members of this Task Force.

Those nine people were appointed as Unpad’s PPKS Task Force based on the Rector’s Decree Number 3881/UN6.RKT/Kep/HK/2022 dated August 29, 2022. In this decree, several tasks of the Task Force related to campus safety were detailed as:

  1. To assist university leaders in preparing guidelines to prevent and handle campus sexual violence cases in the university;
  2. To conduct surveys about campus sexual violence cases at least once every six months in the university;
  3. To submit the results of the surveys to the university leaders;
  4. To educate campus residents on matters relating to gender equality, disability equality, sexual and reproductive health education, as well as the prevention and handling of campus sexual violence cases;
  5. To follow up on campus sexual violence cases based on the received reports;
  6. To coordinate with other units that handle disability services (such as DISABISA) if the report concerns victims, witnesses, reporters, and/or reported persons with disabilities;
  7. To coordinate with relevant agencies in providing protection to victims and witnesses;
  8. To oversee and monitor Task Force recommendations from the university leaders;
  9. To submit reports of their own activities to university leaders at least once every six months.

The Chair of the Unpad PPKS Task Force, Antik Bintadi, M.T., has stated that, in general, the tasks of the Unpad PPKS Task Force, which are to prevent, handle, and respond to cases, are in accordance with Permendikbud Number 30 of 2021 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Higher Education.

In the short term, the Task Force members will immediately develop a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) related to the flow of complaints, the flow of coordination, and the collaboration with strategic partners both internal and external to the university.

“Regarding internal partners, we will collaborate with the Biro Bantuan Hukum (Legal Aid Bureau), various psychological services, the Pusat Riset Gender dan Anak (Gender and Children Research Center), as well as the Student Executive Board (BEM) at both faculty and university levels. For external partners, our collaboration will include several NGOs and state-owned agencies that possess technical units equipped in handling such cases,” she explained.

The structure of the Unpad PPKS Task Force is as follows:

Head: Antik Bintari, S.I.P., M.T. 

Secretary: Jovanna Tan 


Dr. Ari Jogaiswara Adipurwawidjana, drs., M.A.
Dr. Lies Sulistiani, S.H., M.Hum.,
Eka Komalasari Adiwilaga, S.T., S.E., MM.,Ak.,
Fikri Triandhika
Gita Mega Andriani Pasaribu
Siska Bradinda Putri Sudirman
Yahya Achmad Hamim.*

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