The Indonesian Higher Education Chancellors Coucil Conveys the Statement of Maintaining Unity

[, 05/20/2019] The Indonesian Higher Education Chancellors Council (MRPTNI) issued a written statement regarding the importance of maintaining the unity of the Indonesian nation.

Through a letter-number 007/MRPTNI/V/2019 signed by the Chairperson of the MRPTNI Prof. Dr. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA., And Secretary General of the MRPTNI Prof. Dr. Dwia Aries Tina Pulubuhu, M.A., and approved by all members of the assembly, there were 7 points submitted. The seven points include:

(1) All the noble goals of the Indonesian state can only be realized in the framework of a strong and intact Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia;

(2) The Awakening of the Indonesian Nation to realize a prosperous, progressive, just, sovereign and dignified future can only be achieved through the maintenance of national unity and integrity based on the spirit of brotherhood among all elements of the nation;

(3) All forms of dissent and political attitudes remain in the corridors of the legal state based on the Pancasila and the state constitution of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia;

(4) We must show the world that the Indonesian people are a great nation. A great nation is a nation that upholds unity;

(5) The future of an Indonesian nation that is more prosperous, progressive, just, sovereign and dignified can only be realized through the mastery and development of science, technology, art, and culture;

(6) The mastery of science, technology, art and culture as a prerequisite for the realization of a better future for the Indonesian nation can only be accelerated in an atmosphere of nationality which is full of harmony and peace;

(7) Therefore, we the Indonesian Chancellor Council appealed to all elements of the Indonesian nation to always prioritize the spirit of national unity and integrity, respect the struggle and sacrifice of the body and soul, national heroes and uphold the mandate of the nation’s heroes who have realized the unity and integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. *


Release: The Indonesian Higher Education Chancellors Council / am | Translated by dfa

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